JAN. 23, 2012

Faculty art in new exhibition at LKSC

Thomas Merigan

This Thomas Merigan photo of an Atlantic puffin will be part of a six-month art exhibit at the medical school's Li Ka Shing Center for Learning and Knowledge.

Visceral wildlife photography, abstract sculpture and world-renowned oil paintings — the creative endeavors of School of Medicine faculty — will grace the halls of the Li Ka Shing Center for Learning and Knowledge from Jan. 24 through July 26.

The six-month exhibit is the first in a series featuring the works of faculty, students and staff in dedicated galleries on the first and second floors. This inaugural show will include about 20 pieces from three medical school professors.

Thomas Merigan, MD, the emeritus George E. and Lucy Becker Professor of Medicine, started capturing the beauty of wildlife in 2004 as an amateur naturalist. A selection of his photography will be on the first floor of the LKSC. To see more of his work, visit www.pbase.com/merigan/profile.

Surgeon Ralph Greco, MD, began his sculpting career in the late 1980s, learning from an understudy of the Ukrainian artist Alexander Archipenko. His abstract and figurative stone sculptures have been featured in several solo shows.

The artistic expressions of the late Joseph Kriss, MD, professor of medicine and of radiology, spanned oil painting, sculpture and experimentation with digital art and fractals. His work is displayed in collections from the Bay Area to Jerusalem to Kyoto. Kriss died in 1989.

A selection of Greco’s table-sized sculptures and Kriss' oil paintings will be on display on the second floor gallery of the LKSC.

The next exhibit, planned for August, will feature student artists. Students interested in submitting pieces should contact organizer Traudi Sedelmayr at [email protected].

Stanford Medicine integrates research, medical education and patient care at its three institutions - Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford Hospital & Clinics and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital. For more information, please visit the Office of Communication & Public Affairs site at https://mednews.stanford.edu/.

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