Saturday, August 1, 2009

Job Hunter's Toolbox

“One of the many challenges facing today’s job market is specialization,” says Pulin Sanghvi, assistant dean and director of the GSB’s MBA Career Management Center. Job seekers have to put a lot of thought into who they want to be and what type of difference they think they can make in the course of their career.

The right tools – from a strong network to a tailored resume – can make all the difference.

Here are tips from experts at the GSB and elsewhere on how to rise to the top even when the economy is at rock bottom:

The Big Job-Search Picture

Understand Current Job Market

Pulin Sanghvi suggest ways alumni can manage their careers in today’s changing job market.

Helping New Grads

Pulin Sanghvi explains how alumni can support MBA graduates in their job searches.

Just Lucky? Understand the Role of Chance

When the stock market is doing well, more business school graduates head to work on Wall Street – a decision that can lead to significantly higher lifetime earnings than other career paths. What does this mean for graduates in a downturn?

Are Wall Street Careers Just the Luck of the Draw?

Be Flexible

Think creatively about different ways you could reach your career goal. If the poor economy is blocking one path, find another.

Job Search Nuts & Bolts

How to Repot

Pulin Sanghvi suggest ways alumni can manage their careers in today’s changing job market.

Tailor Your Resume

It’s worth the effort to make sure your resume matches the employer’s job description.

Resumes and Cover Letters, The New York Public Library

Promote Yourself Online

When recruiters search for your name on the web, what will they find?

How to Get Started With LinkedIn, BNET

Network Effectively

Meeting with people, talking on the phone, or exchanging email is more likely to get you noticed than simply sending your resume to a general address. Connections you make today can help you in the future – even if they don’t produce immediate job leads.

Work with Recruiters

Executive recruiters can help your search, but don’t depend on them to find you a job.

Tips from a recruiter

Change Careers

It’s never easy to change fields, and it’s even harder when the economy is bad. Still, you may be able to pull it off.

Career Change, The New York Public Library The 10-Step Plan to Career Change, Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D.