OSR Fall 2012 Newsletter
December 2012 Winter Closure and Deadlines
The Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) provides pre-award and post-award administrative services for sponsored projects for the University. In addition, OSR works in close collaboration with a number of partner groups in other central and school offices to help ensure the overall effective coordination of research administration services, systems, policies, and processes.
OSR facilitates funding opportunity searches, reviews and endorses sponsored projects proposals, negotiates and accepts awards, and issues subawards on behalf of the University. In addition, OSR establishes accounts in the financial system, invoices sponsors for expenditures, and fulfills sponsor's financial reporting requirements. OSR works to ensure that Stanford is fully compliant with sponsor terms and conditions, University policies, and federal regulations and requirements.
OSR Events and Events of Interest
OSR Town Hall: Research Administration Survey Overview and of Results and OSR’s Next Steps (August 3, 2012)