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Sunday, September 23, 2012
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Next ARRA Quarterly Report Due to OSR by
5:00 pm on September 28, 2012

Cumulative progress reports are due quarterly for all ARRA grants. Your award may require reports in addition to ARRA reports. Following are the deadlines and other important dates:

Important Dates

Notification to PIs and finance managers to update project description & to review financial data.


Quarterly project updates and financial data review by PI/Dept. must be complete.

OSR review of FFIT data.
OSR Submits Reports to Federal Government

Federal Quarterly Deadlines:
Oct 10, Jan 10, Apr 10, Jul 10

Reporting period covers
time from beginning of
the current quarter to the present. Progress reports
are submitted quarterly,  
within ten days of the close
of each quarter.


Note on NIH Amended Terms and Conditions for ARRA Awards

OMB requirements for ARRA Reporting

Principal Investigators: The ‘Quarterly Activities/Project Description’ field must have some description of activities undertaken during the quarter.  Please do not copy from a past quarter and please press “Save.” Agencies are now reviewing this field critically for status and contacting OSR when inadequate or incomplete information is provided.  This field must be filled in every quarter unless your project is fully completed.

Additionally, please:

  • Explain all abbreviations and acronyms that may be unfamiliar to the general public;
  • Use complete sentences;
  • Provide, at a minimum, clear and complete information on the award’s purpose, scope and nature of activities, outcomes and status of activities;
  • Collect and provide information from your subrecipients stated in terms that allow an understanding of the accomplishments of the award.

Please remember that all ARRA data are eventually uploaded to the website for the general public to review and read.  ARRA reporting is not in lieu of other technical and scientific progress reports that might be required by your contract or grant.

If you have questions, please contact:

  • School of Medicine: Kathleen Thompson, 725-0661
  • All other schools:
  • For access to the database contact Ann Cook.

Funding Update

Stanford has received many ARRA Grants to date. See a list of all awards made to Stanford (as of February, 2011).

NIH Recovery Act Funding Opps & Resources
The School of Medicine has resources for all faculty including all NIH ARRA Funding Opportunities, Boiler Plate language for all faculty who choose to use it, and NIH Recovery Act search tool, and more.





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