Training & Development
Research Administration Training and Development is the central department at Stanford University responsible for assessing and addressing the training and information needs of Stanford employees working in research administration. We offer a variety of training and learning resources.
Office Location and Contact
Director: Patti McCabe
126 Encina Commons MC 6025
ORA Training
Cardinal Curriculum
Training classes leading to certification are organized into 2 levels geared to individuals as they progress from novice to expert in research administration. Please register for Cardinal Curriculum Certificate Programs and classes in STARS. Instructions are on the Cardinal Curriculum Website. |
Other Stanford Training This is a list of other training providers on campus. Many of these classes also support the sponsored research endeavor.
NIH Funding Opportunities, Peer Review and Grant Writing
Originally presented by Anthony Coelho, Ph.D., Review Policy Officer, NIH as
a workshop at Stanford University, December 14, 2004.
Additionally, you should check the Enhancing Peer Review page put up by the NIH. It has tools and information on their Peer Review Process and continuous evaluation of peer review.
Responsible Use of University Funds
Presented by Steve Jung, Director Internal Audit/Institutional Compliance, and Debra L. Zumwalt Vice President and General Counsel, Office of the General Counsel