Research Administration Policy & Compliance
The Research Administration Stewardship and Compliance Program is based on our commitment to the effective management of sponsor support. We value the public trust placed in the University and its faculty and staff and we recognize that this trust is best reciprocated by the return on investment of sponsor funds. This is accomplished by providing service to faculty in their efforts to maximize research outcomes while increasing knowledge, providing education, and promoting the public welfare. We do this while adhering to Federal and other sponsor laws, regulations, and policy and being ever vigilant against fraud, misuse, or mismanagement of funds. We are a community that shares common values with respect to education, research, and public service wherein any one of our members may inadvertently put the entire community at risk through the inappropriate use of sponsored funds. Stewardship then is every bit as much about effective and efficient research administration as it is about ensuring compliance with sponsor intent and requirements.
Office Location and Contact
Associate Director: Jesse Charlton 723-9102
Encina Commons
Stanford, CA 94305-6025
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