Partners and Families
More than half of the Sloan Fellows are accompanied by their partners or families who enjoy new experiences and intellectual activities throughout the year. Sloan families are guaranteed housing on the Stanford Campus where they are a part of the rich academic and cultural community. Partners also are accomplished individuals with a variety of experiences who share ideas with one another and are part of the learning environment outside of the classroom. Partners come from around the world –over 20 different countries are represented every year.
Some partners pursue their own education while in the Stanford area, including studying English as a second language through the University’s Bechtel International Center. A few may take other Stanford courses or may enroll at nearby colleges or take classes offered through museums and community organizations.
- Partners can attend speeches and events on campus, have full access to Stanford athletic and other facilities, and are included in many of the activities with the Sloan Fellows.
- Spouses and partners can increase their personal and professional networks through acquaintances they make during the Sloan year. They also support one another in the tasks of maintaining family life in a new location.
- Spouses and partners plan events and outings around their particular interests—including programs for their children, social and cultural events, and trips to nearby sights. Since roughly half the Sloan families generally include children, many activities revolve around youngsters.
- The shared time during the Sloan year creates many lifelong friendships among families that span years and continents.
Schools and Child Care
There are many public and private schools in the Stanford vicinity. Public schools in the United States are free to all children living within the school's attendance boundaries, and most Stanford families find the local public schools quite satisfactory. Here are links to nearby school districts and child care services.