

Organization-Sponsored Candidates

Some applicants have financial sponsorship from their organization. Sponsorship may include an agreement to pay full tuition, full or partial continuation of salary or living expenses, and expenses for books, study trips, and other activities.

Self-Funded Candidates

Most candidates are self-funded. After acceptance to the Sloan Program, self-funded Sloans may apply for financial aid.


Applicants are expected to have the equivalent of a bachelor's degree, and eight or more years of increasingly successful work experience. Most successful applicants have five or more years in management positions. Applicants are required to complete the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test), and, if your education was not conducted in English, the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). All applicants are required to submit three letters of recommendation including a reference from your current organization.

Benefits to the Sponsoring Organization

  • Develops the skills and perspectives of managers for global business assignments
  • Expands your organization’s relationships with future leaders
  • Prepares exceptional managers for senior leadership positions by investing in their growth and development

Benefits to the Sloan Fellow

  • Enhanced and current management knowledge under the guidance of Stanford’s renowned faculty
  • Shared insights and perspectives with other experienced managers destined for leadership
  • Deep understanding of business practices and cultures across the globe.
  • Membership in the worldwide network of over 24,000 Stanford Graduate School of Business alumni/ae
  • Enhanced personal strengths and vision to take on higher management responsibilities and a leadership role.