Stanford Initiative for the Study of Supply Chain Responsibility (SISSCR)
A Forum initiative to explore the relationship between global supply chain social and environmental responsibility (SER) and business performance.
The objectives of the SISSCR Consortium are to:
- Advance supply chain responsibility research and best practices and to disseminate this knowledge
- Develop a new maturity model for SER supply chain practices
- Understand the relationship between SER maturity and business performance
SISSCR's initial activities are being generously funded by gifts from Microsoft and We are seeking additional consortium members with an interest in advancing the state of the art in global supply chain SER.
Learn more about consortium membership or contact Sonali Rammohan for more information.
Dr. Hau L. Lee
Thoma Professor of Operations, Information and Technology
Director of the Stanford Global Supply Chain Management Forum
Director of the Strategies and Leadership in Supply Chains Executive Program
Dr. Joshua Cohen
Marta Sutton Weeks Professor of Ethics in Society
Professor of Political Science, Philosophy, and Law
Dr. Richard Locke
Head of the MIT Political Science Department
MIT Class of 1922 Professor of Political Science and Management