About the Forum

Housed within the Graduate School of Business, the Forum brings together faculty and students from multiple schools, departments, and disciplines within Stanford University to manage research projects and disseminate learning in partnership with member companies from industry.

Research projects focus on solving problems important to Forum members that are also highly relevant to the greater global business community. They may be structured as theoretical or model-based research, empirical research, or detailed field-based studies. Close collaboration with member companies ensures that projects represent "real life" challenges and opportunities in designing and managing a global supply chain.

The Forum also hosts several events each year. Attendees include Stanford faculty, invited speakers from leading companies, and Forum members and their guests. Event formats include executive roundtables, conferences, seminars, and symposia on current issues in supply chain management. Forum members have access to materials from all events.

The Forum has formal partnerships with sister organizations in Europe and Asia: The European Supply Chain Forum at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands and the Center for Marketing and Supply Chain Management at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).  Forum members may attend events at our partner universities and enjoy extensive networking opportunities with their member companies.

Read our overview brochure

Center Directors

Prof. Hau L. Lee
Faculty Director

Prof. Haim Mendelson
Faculty Director

Shoshanah Cohen