Join the Forum
Stanford invites interested companies to become Forum members. Membership is open to industry leaders with a common interest in advancing the state of the art in global supply chain management. Forum members make an annual investment of $35,000; this funding provides:
- Participation in the Stanford Initiative for the Study of Supply Chain Responsibility (SISSCR)
- Attendance for up to three company employees at each event organized by the Forum
- Two guest tickets to be shared with customers or partners for each event organized by the Forum
- Discounted attendance at events co-sponsored by the Forum with other Stanford organizations
- Complimentary attendance at events organized by our sister supply chain Forums at Hong Kong University and Eindhoven University
- Electronic proceedings from Forum events
- Quarterly newsletter
- Sponsorship—at no additional cost—of student field study projects as part of Stanford’s graduate curriculum in supply chain management
- Access to research, papers, cases, and technical materials developed through the Forum and affiliated departments within Stanford University
- The opportunity to guide the future direction of the Forum's teaching, research and industry relationships
- Discounted attendance at the GSB’s Supply Chain Executive Education programs
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