I can't log in — what do I do?
If you are unable to successfully log in to the SAA web site, club membership, event registration, or another service offering, please see below.
If you have simply forgotten your username, your password, or both your username and password, please click the relevant link.
- First, go to the SAA homepage, regardless of the service you are trying to access.
- If you receive a page error ("Page Cannot Be Found," "Page Unavailable," blank screen, etc.) after clicking this button, please see step 2.
- If you see a "Sign in now" button, please skip to step 3.
- If you see "Welcome, your name," click the "Log Out" button at the top of the page, and then skip to step 3.
- Check your security settings, and be sure that your browser is enabled to accept cookies. Third party cookie-blocking software could also be blocking the login cookie necessary for your successful login.
- Click the "Sign in now" button. Type your username and password into the labeled login boxes. Click "Submit." If the page seems to refresh over and over with no error message, please see step 4. If you receive an error message, please see step 5.
- If the login screen seems to refresh over and over, with no error message, this could indicate a corrupted login cookie. Please delete the cache and cookie files in your web browser.
- Please find the relevant error message that you receive in steps 6 through 9 below, and follow the accompanying instructions.
- If the error message you receive states: "The Password is not correct," please recover your lost password now.
- If the error message you receive states: "Error Establishing Single Sign-On Session," please delete the cache and cookie files in your web browser.
- If the error message you receive states: "You are logged in, but do not have access to the page or service you selected," please note that only alumni (as defined by having completed at least three quarters in a degree-granting program at Stanford) may access certain features on the site, including the Alumni Directory, Alumni E-mail, e-mail lists, The Farm message boards and chat, and the Stanford Career Network. If you believe you qualify for access under the above definition, please contact Customer Service.
- If the error message states: "Webmail Logout Page," please follow the relevant instructions on the page on which you see this error message. Please make sure your system clock is set to the correct local time of the time zone you are in, that you do not have your account open in multiple browser windows, and that your browser is set to accept cookies. If after completing these instructions you are still unable to access your account, please contact Customer Service.
- Please be sure that you have indeed registered and created your online account.
- If you are accessing the site from a Macintosh and are using a version 3.x or 4.x of Microsoft Internet Explorer, you will need to upgrade your browser to version 5.0 or higher to access Stanfordalumni.org. Also, if you are using an older version of AOL that may use IE 3.x or IE 4.x as a backdrop, please upgrade your browser.
All Site Login questions
- I can't log in - what do I do?
- How do I request my username or password?
- My temporary password expired.
- A temporary password was sent to my e-mail account, but I did not request one.
- How do I change my password?
- How do I change my secret question?
- Why can't I change my username?
- Why does the login screen seem to refresh over and over
Top Ten Technical Inquiries
- I need my password.
- I can't check my e-mail.
- I can't log in to the web site.
- The system doesn't recognize me during registration.
- How do I update my Alumni Profile?
- Can I use Eudora or Outlook to read my e-mail?
- How do I combat spam e-mail?
- Can I change my username and e-mail address?
- How do I locate a specific alumnus/alumna of Stanford?
- How do I register for a regional event?