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How do I change my secret question?

Selecting a secret question and creating an answer will allow you to access your account if you forget your password.

To change your secret question and answer for and, please see below. You must know your existing password to follow the below steps. If you have forgotten your password, please visit our help with the site login.


  • Your valid username and password
  • A one-word answer to one of four predefined secret question selections


  1. First, please log in to your SAA account. If you are unable to log in, please visit our help with the site login.
  2. Click "My Profile."
  3. Under "Your Privacy," click the "Password" link.
  4. Under "Secret Question," select which of the four predefined secret questions you would like to use from the dropdown menu. Please note that the answer you create must be at least 5 characters long. For example, if your mother's maiden name is less than 5 characters long (ex., "Lee"), please use a different secret question option.
  5. Create an answer to the secret question option you chose, and enter in the box next to "Answer."
  6. Confirm the answer you created by entering it again in the box next to "Re-enter Answer."
  7. You also have the option to create a new password. Please note that this is not required. If you wish, you can change just your secret question.
  8. To save your changes, click "Save." Make a note of your newly created secret question and answer for future reference.


The secret question is not the only way to recover a lost password. You can also elect to have a temporary password e-mailed to the e-mail address we have on record in your account if you know your username. To recover a password by either of the means above, click the "Forgot Password?" button on the SAA home page at