How do I update my contact information in my alumni profile, including my preferred e-mail address and mailing address?
Please see the instructions below to add or update any of the following: your name, home address, business information, uploaded resume, photo, e-mail addresses, relationships, Stanford social class year, academic information from other institutions, student activities and residences, diversity classification, interests, languages, areas of expertise or online password.
Please note that you will not be able to update your Stanford degree information online. If you find an error in your degree information, please contact Customer Service.
- Your valid username and password
- Your updated contact information
- First, please log in to your SAA account. If you are unable to log in, please visit our help with the site login.
- Hover your mouse over the my Stanford tab and select My Profile.
- Update your contact information by clicking the relevant link in the left side navigation bar (Home Address, Business Information, Resume, etc.).
- Update your contact information by clicking the relevant tab (i.e. Personal, Professional, Education, Student Activities, Interests/Skills, Diversity, Password). Each tab is composed of various related sections. For example, the Personal tab consists of the Name, Personal Profile, Family Information and Account Information sections.
- To edit a specific section on a selected tab, click on the corresponding green Edit button. If information has not been added yet to the section, you can click on the corresponding Add button.
- Once you have added or modified your information, be sure to save it by clicking on the Save button at the bottom of the section. Cancel will not save any additions/modifications.
- To configure which information displays to fellow alumni, friends or groups and which does not, click the "Privacy Settings" link. You can access the link at the top of the page as well as on the left navigation bar under My Profile.
- The Privacy Settings page allows you to set your profile settings as well as activities. For profile settings, you have the option to set privacy globally, by section or by specific type of information.
- To edit Profile Privacy, click on the appropriate Edit button. To edit Activity Privacy, click on the Activity Privacy tab. Select the appropriate audience for the specific type of activity.
- Remember to click on the Save button at the bottom of each page to save any changes made. Cancel my changes will not save any modifications made.
- You can preview the changes you made by clicking on the Preview my profile button in the upper right hand corner. You will also be able to see your profile as others see it to verify your privacy settings.
- You can also change your password and your secret question in your profile by going to My Stanford > My Profile on the left navigation bar. Click on the "Change Password" link.
All My Profile/privacy settings questions
- How do I update my contact information in my alumni profile, including my preferred e-mail address and mailing address?
- How do I remove certain information (add privacy) to my profile?
- My Stanford degree information is incorrect in my alumni profile, but I cannot update it. How can I fix it?
- How can I see how my profile appears to others?
Top Ten Technical Inquiries
- I need my password.
- I can't check my e-mail.
- I can't log in to the web site.
- The system doesn't recognize me during registration.
- How do I update my Alumni Profile?
- Can I use Eudora or Outlook to read my e-mail?
- How do I combat spam e-mail?
- Can I change my username and e-mail address?
- How do I locate a specific alumnus/alumna of Stanford?
- How do I register for a regional event?