Why doesn't the system recognize my degree, birthdate, and class year when I try to register?
If during the registration process, the system is unable to locate your record after you enter your birthdate, degree, and major; please see below.
Please note that this does not mean that you are not in our database. Most likely, we are either missing a piece of information or your degree is listed differently than you may recall.
- To obtain your Stanford University Identification (SUID) number, please use our online Identification Information Request Form. You will be asked to answer several questions to verify your identity, and once your submission is received, a Customer Service Representative will send your SUID number to the valid, non-Stanfordalumni.org e-mail address you specify on the form. If you do not have a valid, non-Stanfordalumni.org e-mail address, or for some other reason are not able to use the above form, please see step 2.
- If you cannot use the option above, please phone Customer Service toll-free at 1 (866) 543-0243 in the United States or (650) 724-0627 international, between the hours of 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Pacific time Monday through Friday.
- If your need to register is urgent, you can also click the "I don't know" button during the registration process to indicate that you do have any of the required information on hand. You will be able to create a username and password, but your account will not have access privileges based on your eligibility until it is manually updated. You will, however, be able to register for events and other time sensitive offerings.
All Site Registration questions
- How do I register to create my online alumni account, including my free alumni e-mail address?
- Why can't I access certain features of the web site?
- How do I find out what my Stanford University ID (SUID) is so that I may register?
- Why doesn't the system recognize my degree, birthdate, and class year when I try to register?
Top Ten Technical Inquiries
- I need my password.
- I can't check my e-mail.
- I can't log in to the web site.
- The system doesn't recognize me during registration.
- How do I update my Alumni Profile?
- Can I use Eudora or Outlook to read my e-mail?
- How do I combat spam e-mail?
- Can I change my username and e-mail address?
- How do I locate a specific alumnus/alumna of Stanford?
- How do I register for a regional event?