Applying to Stanford Engineering

Undergraduates - Apply Through University Admissions

All undergraduates apply and are admitted to the university as a whole. Stanford believes strongly in the benefits of a broad-based education, so students are encouraged to sample widely from the abundant array of course offerings, and are not required to declare a major until the beginning of junior year. Please visit undergraduate admissions for information on procedures and requirements. Financial aid for all undergraduate students is based on need.

All engineering majors require a substantial amount of math and science, so don't put off taking these courses. The Engineering Fundamentals are a collection of courses that offer a good way to learn about particular engineering fields. There are also many introductory seminars to help students get a feel for hands-on engineering problems. See the Undergraduate Handbook for more information.

Graduates -  Apply to Your Department

All nine engineering departments and the Institute for Computational & Mathematical Engineering (ICME) offer graduate degree programs. Students interested in graduate study in the School of Engineering apply directly to a particular department or program. Many of the admission requirements are common to all departments, but specific requirements, deadlines, and contacts vary. Please visit graduate admissions for further information. Prospective graduate students are evaluated and admitted by each program. The most important criterion for admission to a Stanford Engineering graduate program is merit -- superior academic achievement and the potential to make a contribution to technology, business or society as a whole. 

Financial Aid

Graduate financial aid is based entirely on merit. Fellowships and other forms of assistance are included in the department's offer of admission, and no separate application is required or accepted. The School of Engineering currently supports more than 180 engineering graduate financial aid funds and 65-70 engineering students receive the University's Stanford Graduate Fellowships each year. 

Co-Terminal Program Admission

The coterminal degree program permits Stanford undergraduates to study for a bachelor's and a master's degree simultaneously. Applications are through individual departments.

International Students 

Stanford’s School of Engineering prides itself on the diversity of its programs and its people. International students add to the intellectual rigor of the school and bring cultural diversity to its student life. These students are not only a robust source of talent in the Silicon Valley and the United States as a whole, but have the opportunity to fill leadership roles in their home countries as well. 

International students earn approximately 40 percent of graduate degrees and 10 percent of undergraduate degrees conferred in the School of Engineering each year. In the most recent academic year, our graduates came from more than 70 countries.

The application process is the same for all applicants regardless of citiizenship or country of residence.

Several School of Engineering Graduate Student Fellowships focus on internaional students. These are awarded each year as part of the departments' admission process; no separate application is required or accepted. International students are considered for all graduate financial aid (fellowships, research and teaching assistantships) on the basis of merit.

Some of our most successful international graduates have chosen to fund fellowships that offer others in their homelands the opportunities they have enjoyed at Stanford. These include programs aimed at students from Mexico, China, Taiwan and the Middle East. These are based entirely on merit - no application is required or accepted. Learn more about the Graduate Fellowships for International Students.

Professional Development

The Stanford Center for Professional Development  offers many degree and non-degree courses for lifelong learning, including online classes, summer courses and executive education programs. These include the Honors Co-Op Program, which allows industry engineers and scientists to pursue graduate degrees on a part-time basis.

The School of Engineering also offers a number of free online classes to allow professionals to gain knowledge and update their skills. Enrollees do not receive Stanford credit for their work.