Academic Support & Resources

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Office of Student Affairs

The Office of Student Affairs is located in the Dean's Office in the School of Engineering. We work with your department to make sure that you are on track to meet all your graduation requirements, both academic and administrative. Come to us for help with any school-level policies or procedures, from filing an academic petition to preparing for graduation. The OSA is located in Huang 135. Check the Dean’s Office Directory for contact information.

Department Student Services Managers

Each of our departments and programs has a dedicated Student Services staff to support undergraduate and graduate education. The primary contacts in each department are:

Aeronautics and Astronautics

Patrick Ferguson


Teri Hankes

Chemical Engineering

Pamela Dixon

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Jill Nomura

Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering

Indira Choudhury (PhD)

Computer Science

Claire Stager (UG & MS)

Electrical Engineering

Amy Duncan

Management Science and Engineering

Lori Cottle

Materials Science and Engineering

Tori Gottlieb

Mechanical Engineering

Indrani Gardella

Undergraduate Academic Life

Many academic programs and resources can be found through the Undergraduate Academic Life website. Use it to stay on top of important deadlines and events, plan your academic schedule and find useful resources such as one-on-one tutoring or academic skills coaching.