Themes that define us:

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Our climate and the air pollution we breath and see are intimately affected by and affect energy production and use through a complex set of processes. By analyzing those processes, we can obtain a deeper understanding of the atmosphere and design cleaner and more efficient energy systems, improving our health and environment and providing energy security for all.

Built Environment

Architecture, engineering and construction affect all people and impact the economic performance of nations, but buildings and infrastructure must also be environmentally and socially sustainable. We seek to enable this goal by developing knowledge, tools and materials that enhance "triple bottom line" sustainability at all stages of a project's life.

Water Environment

Across coastal zones, rivers, lakes, estuaries, groundwater, soil water, and even the atmosphere, ensuring a sustainable water environment for people and natural ecosystems requires the development of well-informed environmental policies and well-designed systems. To achieve this goal we employ a thoroughly multidisciplinary approach.