There Goes Pig Farmer Pete Langley!

In the this quarter we are using the principles of design thinking to explore what makes superfans so passionate about their heroes. Our field of study includes the fans of the Dale Earnhardt Sr, Michael Jordan and Stephen Colbert, with those learnings culminating in design principles and prototypes that will help a young athlete…
Framing a Design Challenge for a Systemic Issue

One of the big questions we have been asking since starting our work is, “Which questions are amenable to design thinking and which are not, and why?” We wondered if certain types of governance problems are best addressed with alternative methods of problem solving, or how we should use the tools of design thinking differently…
Hey, Edu*Innovators! Apply for the d.fellowships

We’re now accepting applications for our d.fellowship program during the academic year 2013-14. The focus of the application process this year is to identify and select outstanding Edu*Innovators who will work with our d.K12 Lab Network. We’re looking for mid-career professionals and entrepreneurs with the passion and drive to make real change in education. If…
Tackling Praedial Larceny in Jamaica

Throughout our time thinking through the Governance Collaboratory, there is one question that has loomed perhaps above all others: how should we think about supporting innovation from inside government as compared to working with activists advocating change from the outside? We have scoped governance (i.e. our “problem space”) to include challenges that both sets of…
Design Thinking At Sea

Wondering how students around the world are taking on challenges using design thinking? Check out this recent video of co-founder George Kembel describing a pop-up experience he led in South Africa. This academic quarter George is partnering with Unreasonable at Sea, visiting cities all over the world and teaching design thinking.
@Stanford Re-define the way we learn and live

The is working with the University to re-imagine the experience of learning & living on-campus. Help design the future of Stanford for generations to come. Spring 2013 Tu / Th 10-12 ME 247 | 3 Units | C/NC David Kelley,, IDEO Jon Feiber, Scott Doorley, Apply now : (It just takes a minute.) Applications…