Get Involved

Volunteering your time is a great way to share your love of engineering and science with others. The school and the university offer several opportunities to give back, including the Beyond the Farm program’s global day of service. Pictured above, engineering alumna Shruthi Baskaran (far right) and other members of the Class of 2012 (left to right: Jack Trotter, Shira Averbuch and Ashley Buckner) paint a playhouse during this year’s event.
Elementary School Outreach
This one-day event held each spring exposes fourth and fifth graders to the world of science and engineering through hands-on workshops and competitions. To help run a workshop or assist in other ways, contact the Society of Women Engineers.
Graduate Peer Advisor Program
Help introduce engineering undergraduates to the professional world. To participate, contact Assistant Dean of Student Affairs Noe Lozano.
Mechanical Engineering Women's Group
This student group hosts an annual seminar series and a welcome program for all women engineers. To participate a speaker or panelists, contact Professor Sheri Sheppard.