Research & Faculty

We believe that the most promising opportunities for discovery exist at the intersections of disciplines, and that the technologies of the next century will grow out of multidisciplinary partnerships. Similarly, the leaders of tomorrow must be able to bridge multiple interests. To guide our own growth, the dean has identified five major areas for long-term investment:
A fusion of engineering and the life sciences promises new discoveries, technologies, and therapies to improve human health and the environment.
Environment & Energy
Meeting the needs of a growing world population in an environmentally sustainable way is a major challenge of the 21st century.
Information Technology
Hardware, software and communications are the pillars of information technology. Continuing research in these fields ranges from basic science, through materials and devices, to systems and applications.
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
Advancing the science and technology of very small structures holds vast opportunities for research and application development.
Educating Leaders
Great minds have deep expertise but also the intellectual breadth to appreciate context, develop opportunities and manage resources to address important societal needs.