Student Portal
Information for Students

As an undergraduate engineering major, your three best resources for guidance and information are:
- Your department advisor. Your department advisor can provide invaluable advice and encouragement. Consult your specific department to find out how to choose an advisor.
- The Undergraduate Handbook. The definitive resource for undergraduate engineers. Find useful information including:
- Department-specific information
- Policies and procedures
- Special programs and organizations
- Summer employment
- Career planning
- The Office of Student Affairs. Working within the Dean's Office in the School of Engineering, the staff will help you make sure that you are on track to meet all your graduation requirements, both academic and administrative.
Department advisor
Your department advisor can provide invaluable advice and encouragement. Consult your specific department to find out how to choose an advisor.
Handbook for Undergraduate Engineering Programs
The Handbook for Undergraduate Engineering Programs is the definitive resource for undergraduate engineers. Find useful information including:
- Department-specific information
- Policies and procedures
- Special programs and organizations
- Summer employment
- Career planning
Office of Student Affairs
Working within the Dean's Office in the School of Engineering, the staff will help you make sure that you are on track to meet all your graduation requirements, both academic and administrative. See Academic Support and Resources for additional information.
Undergraduate Advising
The office for Undergraduate Academic Life provides advising services to all undergraduates, including advice from peer advisors, freshman and sophomore advisors, and preparation for graduate school. In addition, your freshman advisor is available throughout your undergraduate career.
Research opportunities
This Stanford Engineering program provides provides undergraduate engineering students with the means and opportunity to work with faculty members and their research groups in the summer. The Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) helps include young engineers in advanced research projects, while increasing the number of talented, enthusiastic students who pursue an education in engineering. For more information contact your department.
Graduating soon?
If you are close to graduation or starting to think about life after Stanford, visit our career resources page for information about career planning, alumni services and entrepreneurship. Also see the "Preparing to Graduate" page for tips and guidelines.

As a graduate student in the Stanford School of Engineering, your primary resource for guidance and information about academic requirements, deadlines and procedures is your departmental student services manager. You'll find departmental contacts at the bottom of this page, as well additional information and resources throughout the school and the university below.
Office of Student Affairs
The Office of Student Affairs is located in the Dean's Office in the School of Engineering. Student affairs works with your department to make sure that you are on track to meet all your graduation requirements, both academic and administrative. Come to the office for help with any school-level policies or procedures.
Graduate Student Policies and Procedures
Degree requirements, milestones, tuition fees and many more vital bits of information can be found in the Vice Provost for Graduate Education. Use this site to review your records and make sure you're properly enrolled.
Financial Aid
Many resources are available to help you fund graduate study, both inside and outside the school. The university's Financial Aid Office provides comprehensive information on financial aid opportunities. The site can also provide information about assistantships and fellowships to assist with paying tuition, but you should consult your department for more specific information on available assistantships and fellowships.
Terminal Graduate Registration
Doctoral students who have been admitted to candidacy, completed all required courses and degree requirements other than writing and orally defending the dissertation, and have met the university's 135-unit residency requirement may register for terminal status and a greatly reduced tuition rate (scroll down to the bottom of the page linked above).
Doctoral Dissertations
More information on doctoral dissertation requirements.