Psychiatry and
Behavioral Sciences

Adult Psychiatry Residency Training Program

"Stanford psychiatry has a culture of support, enthusiasm, cooperation, and mutual respect.  This creates a learning and training environment where I'm personally and professionally happy to come to work each day.  I didn't think I'd enjoy residency this much." - First Year Resident

Recognizing the value of a graduate psychiatric training that is both scholarly and flexible, and under the guidance of the new chair of the department, Dr. Laura Roberts, the Department of Psychiatry has made becoming a model program in residency training its highest priority.  Our program offers a unique blend of intimacy and opportunity, coupling a sense of collegiality, cohesiveness and deep care about residents’ individual development with a breadth of experiences that characterizes a large academic center like Stanford University.  Competencies in clinical training are systematically defined across services with emphasis in combining the application of biological therapeutics, psychotherapies, and social interventions that impact the life circumstances of our patients.  Clinical care is provided in the context of a critical scholarly approach to the field.

"I feel very well supported by other residents (at various levels of training) as well as by the administration.  You never feel alone or anonymous in this program, there is a real sense of community." - First Year Resident

In recent years, we have adopted a more flexible rotation schedule that allows for increased elective time, and introduced a scholarly concentration program to allow residents to pursue individualized training in areas of their interest.  New opportunities are being developed in community psychiatry, global health, neuroscience, geriatric psychiatry, addiction psychiatry and psychosomatics.  In this and many other ways, our residents are encouraged to cultivate careers that involve leadership, specialization, and academic success.

"Residents are welcomed to get actively involved in different aspects of residency training.  New ideas and creativity are appreciated here!"
- First Year Resident

Our residency training program has at its core a philosophy that residents are active participants in shaping and defining the training experience.  We strongly promote resident involvement in program improvement efforts, as well as structures to ensure residency well-being during the training experience.  Overall, the Stanford Psychiatry Residency Training Program is dynamic by design and we welcome residents who have an interest in actively participating in this exciting enterprise.

"There is a rare collegiality between residents, attendings and interdisciplinary staff.  It makes Stanford a warm, welcoming, and fun place to work.  The administration cares a lot about you as a person - not just as a resident." - First Year Resident

Residency directors

Chris Hayward, MD, MPH
Residency Training Director
Associate Chair of Education & Training
Belinda Bandstra, MD, MA
Assistant Residency Training Director
Sallie DeGolia, MD, MPH
Associate Residency Training Director

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