Bipolar Affective
Center for Integrative Medicine
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic
Geropsychiatry Clinic
Individual Psychotherapy Clinic
Medical Psychotherapy Clinic
Mood Disorders Clinic
Psychopharmacology Clinic
Neuropsychiatry Clinic
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Clinic
Psychosocial Clinic
Behavioral Medicine Clinic
Couples and Family Clinic
Interpersonal Problems Clinic
Schizophrenia Clinic
Sleep Disorders Clinic
Women's Wellness Clinic
Bipolar Affective Disorders Clinic - Website
Under the direction of Terrence Ketter, this clinic provides consultation and ongoing treatment for patients with bipolar disorder as well as maintaining a diverse and cutting edge research program
For more information see the Bipolar Clinic website, Bipolar Research or Dr. Ketters Faculty Profile.
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Center for Integrative Medicine - Website
The Stanford Center for Integrative Medicine (SCIM) is dedicated to providing personalized, nourishing therapy for those people seeking enhanced well being and improved quality of life. Our integrative programs are designed to bring patients the best in proven therapies, including traditional and complementary/alternative treatments. SCIM is particularly adept at assisting patients challenged by chronic medical conditions, as we collectively attempt to reduce symptoms, enhance the ability to control pain and anxiety, and to better manage stress and improve quality of life. Many patients with chronic health problems, ranging from headaches and arthritis to life-threatening illnesses such as cancer and cardiovascular disease, seek to combine traditional medical care with integrative methods to ensure that their emotional as well as physical well-being is addressed. Close collaboration between our staff and the physician team, full patient participation, and treatments involving mind and body ensure that our services are thoroughly integrated into the patient's overall medical care.
We offer:
- Comprehensive evaluation of patients and treatment planning
- Treatments with demonstrated efficacy by highly-trained professionals
- Complementary techniques that are integrated with medical treatment
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Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic - Website
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry's outpatient services is composed of eight specialty clinics that treat specific disorders within the wider range of childhood conditions.
- Anxiety DisordersClinic
- Attention Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders Clinic
- Behavioral Neurogenetics Clinic
- Neuropsychiatry/PDD Clinic
- Eating Disorders Clinic
- Forensic Clinic
- Mood Disorders Clinic
- Clinical Outcomes and Data Evaluation
Our interdisciplinary clinical approach includes a thorough diagnostic evaluation as well as the proposal of a treatment plan. Treatment plans are based on current scientific research and reflect the values, needs, and resources of the child and family. They often include the following therapeutic approaches: individual therapy, family therapy, group therapy, behavioral therapy, parent counseling and medication therapy. Coordination with the child's school is often recommended. The staff of the mental specialty programs and specialty clinics consists of Child Psychiatrists and Child Psychologists and includes both faculty and advanced trainees who are supervised by the faculty.
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Geropsychiatry Clinic
This clinic is staffed by two full-time psychiatrists (Clinic Director plus a full-time, fellowship-trained geriatric psychiatrist) and one nurse practitioner. Faculty members have particular expertise in dealing with biopsychosocial problems of old age, refined use of psychopharmacology in the elderly, and dealing with complex issues interfacing medical-psychiatric illnesses. The clinic provides consultation for patients over the age of 65 with various psychiatric disorders. Many of these patients have psychiatric disorders complicated by biological and psychological manifestations of aging. Treatment includes psychopharmacological interventions, short-term cognitive-behavioral therapies and supportive therapy. All patients are at or over the age of 65 and approximately 60% female, 40% male. Most common diagnoses include affective disorders (approximately 50%), dementia (30%), anxiety disorders (15%), and others (5%).
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Individual Psychotherapy Clinic
This clinic is designed to provide residents training in long-term psychotherapy. Residents treat patients with many psychiatric disorders that require long-term psychotherapy and possibly pharmacotherapy. The most common diagnoses are affective/adjustment disorders, including major depression, personality disorders with prominent cluster B symptoms, occasional dissociative disorder or psychotic disorder.
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Medical Psychotherapy Clinic
One function of this clinic is to evaluate all prospective liver, heart, kidney, lung transplant patients for psychological suitability to receive a donor organ. However, we primarily serve the psychiatric needs of patients and families of patients diagnosed with serious medical illnesses (e.g. end organ failure, cancer, stroke, HIV, cardiac disease,and diabetes), injuries or somatization/conversion disorder. Treatment includes individual, family and group psychotherapy, psychopharmacology, hypnosis and relaxation techniques. Close communication with primary physician is an essential activity of this clinic. Clinic staff works with patients during all phases of the illness: helping with prevention; coping with a recent diagnosis; adjusting to a new lifestyle or terminal stage disease; and seeing family members through bereavement.
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Mood Disorders Clinic - Website
This clinic provides consultation and ongoing management in pharmacotherapy for patients with major depression, dysthymia and anxiety disorders.
In addition, the faculty operates a large research program in mood disorders with 15-30 clinical and basic science protocols at any given time.
For more information see the Depression Research Clinic website, Depression Research or the faculty profiles for Dr C. DeBatista, Dr H.B. Solvason.
Psychopharmacology Clinic
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Neuropsychiatry Clinic
In conjunction with the neuropsychology service we provide evaluation of cognitive functioning and differential diagnosis between personality and organic impairment. Appropriate referrals include patients who may have sustained head injuries or are suffering from possible dementias of senility, neurosurgical or epileptic patients, and those with chronic disease that may be accompanied by cognitive impairment. The service also provides treatment to assist the patient who may be dealing with loss of functional capacity.
Primary diagnoses in this clinic population include a variety of pronounced psychiatric disorders associated with epilepsy, stroke, Parkinson's Disease, multiple sclerosis and dementia disorders (especially frontal temporal dementia). Patients often have major depression, psychotic or cognitive disorders associated with their medical illness. Treatment includes pharmacotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy.
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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Clinic - Website
Under the direction of noted OCD researcher Dr. Lorin Koran, this clinic provides evaluation and treatment for patients with a primary diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder or tichotillomania. Many of these patients will also have major depression, panic disorder, alcohol abuse, phobias, or significant personality disorders. Treatment includes medications, behavioral therapies, family counseling, support groups. There are also research opportunities such as clinical drug trials.
For more information see the OCD Clinic website, OCD Research or Dr Koran's Faculty Profile. Also, see Treatment Groups for information about participation.
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Psychosocial Clinic
This section comprises the Behavioral Medicine Clinic, Interpersonal Problems Clinic and Family & Couples Clinic. The clinic is staffed by 3 full-time psychiatrists and 2 full-time psychologists, in addition to 2 full-time staff psychologists and 1 part-time staff Ph.D. The patient population can be described as 70% female, 30% male; 85% White, 5% Hispanic, 5% Asian and 5% African-American. All ages between 18-70, with the majority age 25-45. Approximately 30% anxiety disorders, 25% depression, 20% eating disorders, and 25% mixed between various other difficulties (e.g., primary Axis II disorders, chronic pain, obesity, adjustment disorders, marital problems).
Behavioral Medicine Clinic
Since its founding in 1973, the Stanford Behavioral Medicine Clinic has been a leader in the research, evaluation and treatment of health related behavioral problems, including anxiety disorders, eating disorders and weight loss, stress management problems, and risk behaviors such as cigarette smoking. Our symptom specific approach to treatment enables us to provide cost effective therapy based on each individual's needs. Our focused, state-of-the-art treatment plans may include cognitive-behavioral therapy, pharmacotherapy, biofeedback, hypnosis, relaxation training, nutritional counseling and family and couples therapy. In this clinic residents spend most of their time learning cognitive and behavioral therapies. -
Couples and Family Clinic
This clinic provides family-centered consultation and treatment for a wide variety of adult problems including: acute and chronic marital crisis; career and work-home stress; marital separation, divorce and remarriage; and the impact of psychiatric illness on family members. Children and adolescents are also susceptible to an increasingly complex array of emotional-behavioral problems that can be treated successfully with the assistance of family intervention. - Interpersonal Problems Clinic
Dedicated to the treatment of personality disorders, this clinic uses a cognitive/behavioral approach to care for patients with borderline personality as well as histrionic, dependent, avoidant or narcissistic characteristics. We offer both group and individual psychotherapy, emphasizing interpersonal success at home and work. The sessions also focus on improving personal satisfaction and emotional well being by addressing self defeating attitudes and behaviors and developing new interaction strategies. An in-depth evaluation, which includes a psychiatric interview and psychological testing, is available for patients who need a sophisticated initial assessment. Psychopharmacological treatment is also available.
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Schizophrenia Clinic
This clinic provides consultation, research and ongoing management of primary psychotic disorder.
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Sleep Disorders Clinic - Website
Founded in 1971 by William C. Dement, M.D., Ph.D., the Stanford Sleep Disorders Center was the first such program in the world. Dedicated to the research, evaluation and treatment of sleep problems As the first program of its kind in the world, the clinic has gained an international reputation for its research and clinical programs. Today, the Sleep Disorders Clinic continues to offer comprehensive evaluation and treatment of all sleep disorders including: narcolepsy, sleep apnea, insomnia, restless leg syndrome, nocturnal myoclonus, sleepwalking, nightmares, night terrors, enuresis, erectile dysfunction. All patients referred to the Sleep Disorders Clinic undergo extensive evaluation. Depending on the diagnosis, we will perform a sleep study or studies and develop an individually tailored treatment plan, which may include medication, light therapy, behavior modification or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) or Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP) treatment. Our multidisciplinary team includes psychiatrists, neurologists, and pulmonologists, as well as psychologists and technicians. When appropriate, we can provide patients with instrumentation for ambulatory monitoring and next-day interpretation of results. After further evaluation and treatment, as necessary, we develop a treatment plan. In most cases, we refer the patient back to the referringphysician/allied mental health professional for completion of the treatment plan. Our staff remains available for ongoing consultation. Investigational Approaches Research efforts of the Sleep Disorders Clinic are ongoing.
For additional information, see the Center of Excellence website, and the website for the Insomnia and Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program .
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Women's Wellness Clinic - Website
The Women's Wellness Clinic specializes in the treatment of psychiatric disorders which affect women, including postpartum depression, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), menopause, infertility, and chronic pelvic pain. The clinic population is about 80-90% female, males are seen in couples or partner's therapy. All ages from 18-70 years are seen, with the majority being women in their reproductive years; about 60% are Caucasian, 25 % Asian and 15% African-American.
For more information see the Women's Wellness Clinic website.
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