
The Accounting area at Stanford Graduate School of Business is preeminent in research and teaching related to the dissemination and use of information in markets and within firms. Faculty affiliated with the area are worldwide leaders in scholarship and in their contributions to accounting pedagogy. They also help shape accounting practice in the US and elsewhere as a result of their influence in the standard-setting process.

Research by the Accounting faculty draws on economics, finance, and statistics and employs analytical and empirical methodologies to study issues such as:

  • The pricing of securities in capital markets, with a focus on the role of financial reporting and information intermediaries
  • The design of performance measurement and incentive systems
  • Best practices in corporate governance and executive compensation

Faculty in the area teach in the MBA, Sloan Master's, Executive Education, and PhD programs, with courses focusing on two broad areas: financial reporting and management control. Beyond the core MBA classes, a wide variety of electives cover topics in global financial reporting, financial statement analysis, and accounting-based valuation techniques.


Charles Lee

Mary E. Barth, Professor
William H. Beaver, Professor Emeritus
Anne Beyer, Associate Professor
Elizabeth Blankespoor, Assistant Professor
Safra A. Catz, Lecturer
George Foster, Professor
Ilan Guttman, Assistant Professor
Charles T. Horngren, Professor Emeritus
Robert K. Jaedicke, Professor and Dean Emeritus
Ron Kasznik, Professor
David F. Larcker, Professor
Charles M.C. Lee, Professor
Ivan Marinovic, Assistant Professor
Maureen McNichols, Professor
Joseph D. Piotroski, Associate Professor
Madhav V. Rajan, Professor
Stefan J. Reichelstein, Professor
Francis "Vic" Stanton, Lecturer
Mark A. Wolfson, Consulting Professor

MBA and Sloan Program


PhD Program

