Mary E Barth
Joan E. Horngren Professor of Accounting
Phone: (650) 723-8536
Email: [email protected]
Academic Areas: Accounting
Professor Mary Barth’s research focuses on financial accounting and reporting issues, particularly topics of interest to accounting standard setters. Such topics include using fair values in financial reporting, stock-based compensation, recognition versus disclosure, asset securitizations, asset revaluations, the information roles of accruals and cash flows, the relation between financial statement quality and cost of capital, and issues related to global financial reporting and convergence.
Mary E. Barth is the Joan E. Horngren Professor of Accounting at the Stanford University, Graduate School of Business (GSB). Professor Barth was a member of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) from its inception in 2001 until 2009. She served as the Academic Advisor to the IASB from 2009 until 2011. Prior to joining the IASB, Professor Barth’s accounting standard setting activities included serving as a member of the Accounting Standards Executive Committee of the American Institute of CPAs and the Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council of the Financial Accounting Standards Board. Prior to joining the faculty at Stanford in 1995, she was an Associate Professor at Harvard Business School and an audit partner in Arthur Andersen & Co. Professor Barth’s research is published in a variety of journals and has won several awards, including the American Accounting Association’s (AAA) Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award, the AAA's Competitive Manuscript Award, and, on two occasions each, the AAA Wildman Medal Award and the Best Paper Award of the Financial Accounting and Reporting Section of the AAA. She is the Accounting Department Editor of Management Science, has been an Associate Editor of The Accounting Review, and is on the Editorial Boards of several other academic journals. Professor Barth is a recipient of the GSB’s MBA Distinguished Teaching Award and PhD Faculty Distinguished Service Award, and served as a Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the GSB from 2002 until 2009. Professor Barth is President-Elect of the AAA and has served as its Vice President and as Chair of several AAA committees. She also has served as Vice President of the International Association for Accounting Education and Research. Professor Barth is a recipient of the Outstanding International Accounting Educator Award of the AAA’s International Section, and is an Honorary Professorial Fellow at the University of Melbourne, Australia. Professor Barth holds an AB from Cornell University, an MBA from Boston University, a PhD from Stanford University, and a DSc(HC) from Lancaster University.
Academic Degrees
AB, Cornell University, 1973; MBA, Boston University, 1975; PhD, Stanford University, 1989; DSc(HC), Lancaster University, 2008.
Professional Experience
At Stanford since 1995. Associate Professor, Harvard Business School, 1989-95; Audit Partner, Arthur Andersen & Co., 1974-85; CPA, 1976 (California and Massachusetts).
Selected Publications
- Asset Securitizations and Credit Risk (with Omazabal and Taylor): The Accounting Review, forthcoming, 2012
- Market Reaction to the Adoption of IFRS in Europe (with Armstrong, Jagolinzer and Riedl): The Accounting Review, 2010
- International Accounting Standards and Accounting Quality (with Landsman and Lang): Journal of Accounting Research, 2008
- Fair Value Accounting for Liabilities and Own Credit Risk (with Hodder and Stubben): The Accounting Review, 2008
- Do Firms Understate Stock Option-Based Compensation Expense Disclosed under SFAS 123? (with Aboody and Kasznik): Review of Accounting Studies, 2006
- Accruals, Accounting-Based Valuation Models and the Prediction of Equity Values (with Beaver, Hand, and Landsman): Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, 2005
- Firms' Voluntary Recognition of Stock-Based Compensation Expense (with Aboody and Kasznik): Journal of Accounting Research, 2004
- SFAS 123 Stock-Based Compensation Expense and Equity Market Values (with Aboody and Kasznik): The Accounting Review, 2004
- Fair Values and Financial Statement Volatility: Market Discipline across Countries and Industries (Market Discipline), 2004
- Market Effects of Recognition and Disclosure (with Clinch and Shibano): Journal of Accounting Research, 2003
- Implementation of an Option Pricing-Based Bond Valuation Model for Corporate Debt and Its Components (with Landsman and Rendleman): Accounting Horizons, 2000
- Analysts Earnings Forecast Revisions and the Pricing of Accruals (with Hutton): Review of Accounting Studies, 2004
- Analyst Coverage and Intangible Assets (with Kasznik and McNichols): Journal of Accounting Research, 2001
- Accruals and the Prediction of Future Cash Flows (with Cram and Nelson): The Accounting Review, 2001
- The Relevance of the Value Relevance Literature For Financial Accounting Standard Setting: Another View (with Beaver and Landsman): Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2001
- "The Relevance of the Value Relevance Literature for Financial Accounting Standard Setting: Another View" (with W.H. Beaver and W.R. Landsman): Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2001, 2001
Working Papers
- "Financial Reporting for Employee Stock Options: Liabilities or Equity?" (with L.D. Hodder and S.R. Stubben), 2013
- "Market Volatility Risk and Risk Premiums at Earnings Announcements" (with E.C. So), 2013
- "Effects on Commparability and Capital Market Benefits of Voluntary Adoption of IFRS by US Firms" (with W.R. Landsman, M. Lang, and C. Williams), 2013
- "Relevance of Differences between Net Income based on IFRS and Domestic Stanfords for European Firms" (with W.R. Landsman, D. Young, and Z. Zhuang), 2012
- "Dynamics of Earnings Announcement News: Evidence from Option Prices" (with E.C. So and T.L. Johnson), 2011
Selected Cases
- A166A: AOL's Acquisition of Mirabilis (A): Accounting for Acquired In-Process R&D;
- A160: Advanta Corp. (Teaching Note)
- A172A: Ultratech Corporation (A)
- A157: The Quaker Oats Company
- A176: Amphenol Corporation: The KKR Leveraged Recapitalization
- A180: MCI
- A158: Fair Value Accounting for Securities and the FASB Process
- E84: Silicon Graphics, Inc.
- A174: Microsoft Corporation
- A178: TWA: The Second Bankruptcy
- A172B: Ultratech (B)
- A179: US Office Products
- A177: Dura Pharmaceuticals
- A183: The Procter & Gamble Company: Accounting for Organization 2005
- A166C: AOL'S Acquistion of Mirabilis (C): Subsequent Developments
- A166B: AOL'S Acquistion of Mirabilis (B): AOL Releases Q4 1998 Operating Results
- A159: Thermo Electron: Accounting for Stock-based Compensation (Teaching Note)
- A171: AOL Time Warner
Awards and Honors
- Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award, 2012, American Accounting Association/American Institute of CPAs
- Deloitte Wildman Medal Award, 2009, 1996, American Accounting Association
- Outstanding International Accounting Educator Award, 2008, American Accounting Association - International Accounting Section
- PhD Faculty Distinguished Service Award, 2006, Stanford Graduate School of Business
- MBA Distinguished Teaching Award, 1996, Stanford Graduate School of Business
Courses Taught
- ACCT 311: Global Financial Reporting
- President-Elect: American Accounting Association (2012 - present)
- Accounting Department Editor: Management Science (2009 - present)
- Member: International Accounting Standards Board (2001 - 2009)
- Consulting Editor: China Journal of Accounting Studies (2011 - present)
- Vice President: International Association for Accounting Education and Research (2009 - 2011)
- Associate Editor: The Accounting Review (1996 - 2001)
In The Media
- 100 Most Influential People in Finance, Treasury & Risk Management
- Accountants Among 100 Most Influential People in Finance, AccountingWEB.com
- diCarta Hosts Web Seminar on Revenue Management Best Practices for Strategic Advantage, Business Wire
- diCarta Expands Board of Directors to Include Renowned Expert on Revenue Recognition Compliance, Business Wire
- War of the Andersens Draws to a Close As Arbitrator Submits Ruling to Court, Wall Street Journal
- Accountant Discovers Efforts Don't Add Up, Los Angeles Times,
- Expert in Stock Option Accounting Thrust from Academia into Limelight, San Jose Mercury News
- The Truth About Stock Options, CBS MarketWatch
- Options Must Be Treated as Expenses, Global Panel Says., Washington Post
- Q&A; With IASB Member Mary Barth,, California CPA,