Ron Kasznik

Professor of Accounting

Phone: (650) 725-9740

Email: [email protected]

Academic Areas: Accounting

Ron Kasznik’s research focuses on examining the strategic use of accounting and financial information by market participants, particularly firm managers. Within this broad area, he focuses primarily on issues related to the provision of financial and non-financial information, the determinants and outcomes of voluntary disclosures, incentives to manage reported earnings, and the disclosure and reporting effects of employee stock options.


Ron Kasznik is Professor of Accounting at the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University. Ron joined the GSB in 1995 after receiving his PhD in Accounting from the University of California at Berkeley. Professor Kasznik specializes in financial accounting and its interactions with the capital markets. Specifically, his research looks at the determinants and outcomes of corporate discretionary disclosures, with particular emphasis on incentives to manage expectations of future firm performance. His research contributes to many contemporary financial reporting issues, such as the accounting treatment of employee stock options and the effect of executive compensation plans on financial accounting and disclosure. Professor Kasznik teaches the accelerated version of Financial Accounting, a core course focusing on the measurement of economic activity for decision making. He also teaches "Mergers and Acquisitions: Accounting, Regulatory, and Governance Issues", an elective course on mergers and acquisitions. Professor Kasznik has received several teaching awards, including the Sloan Teaching Excellence Award in 2001, 2003, and 2005, and a number of faculty awards, including, most recently, the MBA Class of 1969 Faculty Scholarship.

Academic Degrees

PhD, Univ. of California, Berkeley, 1995, MS 1994; BA, Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem, 1989.

Professional Experience

At Stanford since 1995.

Selected Publications

  • Employee Stock Options and Future Firm Performance: Evidence from Option Repricings: Journal of Accounting and Economics , 2010
  • Executive stock-based compensation and firms’ cash payout: the role of shareholders’ tax-related payout preferences: Review of Accounting Studies, 2008
  • Do Firms Understate Stock-Based Compensation Expense Disclosed under SFAS 123?: Review of Accounting Studies, 2006
  • SFAS 123 Stock-Based Compensation Expense and Equity Market Values: The Accounting Review, 2004
  • Does Meeting Expectations Matter? Evidence from Analyst Forecast Revisions and Share Prices: Journal of Accounting Research , 2002
  • Firms' Voluntary Recognition of Stock-Based Compensation Expense: Journal of Accounting Research, 2004
  • Discussion of the effect of accounting restatements on earnings revisions and the estimated cost of capital: Review of Accounting Studies, 2004
  • Discussion of Information Distribution within Firms: Evidence from Stock Option Exercises: Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2003
  • Executive Stock-Based Compensation and Firms’ Cash Payout: The Role of Shareholders’ Tax-Related Payout Preferences: Working paper, 2007
  • International Equity Valuation: The Relative Importance of Country and Industry Factors vs. Company-Specific Financial Reporting: Working paper, 2006
  • Employee Stock Options and Firm Performance: Evidence from Option Repricings: Working paper, 2006

Working Papers

  • The Timing of Management Earnings Forecasts and Investor Inattention
  • Factors Associated with Firms' Decisions to Improve Earnings Quality
  • 1400R1: The Effects of Limiting Accounting Discretion on the Informativeness of Financial Statements: Evidence from Software Revenue Recognition
  • 1401R: On the Association Between Voluntary Disclosure and Earnings Management
  • 1402R3: Share Repurchases and Intangible Assets
  • 1459R: Revaluations of Fixed Assets and Future Firm Performance: Evidence from the U.K.
  • 1471R: The Impact of Securities Litigation Reform on the Disclosure of Forward-Looking Information by High Technology Firms
  • 1475R3: Analyst Coverage and Intangible Assets
  • 1496R: Brand Values and Capital Market Valuation
  • 1531R: Shareholder Wealth Effects of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995
  • 1535R: CEO Stock Option Awards and Corporate Voluntary Disclosures
  • 1614: Purchase Versus Pooling in Stock-for-Stock Acquisitions: Why Do Firms Care?
  • 1694R: SFAS 123 Stock-Based Compensation Expense and Equity Market Values
  • 1795R: Firms' Voluntary Recognition of Stock-Based Compensation Expense

Selected Cases

  • A188A: Accounting Issues at Qwest Communications? (A): Depends on Whom You Ask
  • A188B: Accounting Issues at Qwest Communications? (B): Subsequest Events
  • A192: The Coca-Cola Company: Accounting for Investments in Bottlers
  • A196B: AOL Time Warner (B): Recognition of Goodwill Impairment
  • A196A: AOL Time Warner (A): Accounting for Goodwill

Awards and Honors

  • Sloan Teaching Excellence, 2005, Graduate School of Business
  • Sloan Teaching Excellence, 2003, Graduate School of Business
  • Sloan Teaching Excellence, 2001, Graduate School of Business

Courses Taught

  • ACCT 213: Financial Accounting - Accelerated
  • ACCT 332: Mergers and Acquisitions: Accounting, Regulatory, and Governance Issues
  • STRAMGT 562: Intellectual Property: Financial and Strategic Management



  • Member: American Accounting Assn.

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