Your organization operates in a dynamic marketplace—competition, consumers, technology, and market forces redefine your industry every day. Staying competitive means continuously adjusting and adapting your customer approach to meet changing needs and expectations.

Strategic Marketing Management provides a comprehensive examination of all major components of marketing strategy and their integration. By completing this program, executives will have the ability to enhance their company's profitability and marketplace position.

Program tuition includes private accommodations, all meals, and course materials.

Program Overview

The first week of the Strategic Marketing Management program examines the elements of marketing strategy, such as a market-focused culture, customer and competitor analysis, value delivery, pricing, relationship management, brand management, and marketing communication. In the second week, the program integrates these core elements to create a cohesive marketing strategy within the context of an effective overall business strategy.

Faculty Director
Other Faculty
Baba Shiv

Sanwa Bank, Limited, Professor of Marketing; Director of the Strategic Marketing Management Executive Program

Baba Shiv's research is in the area of neuroeconomics. His research has predominantly focused on the role of the brain's liking and wanting systems in shaping decisions, consumption experiences, and the memories of these experiences. The nature of the issues that he examines are: Does being denied something make people pursue it more hotly but also simultaneously like it less? Does a wine's price tag price affect the pleasure one experiences?

Baba Shiv teaches courses at the GSB that build on his research interests. Examples of some of the courses that he teaches include "The Frinky Science of the Mind" and "Entrepreneurial Ventures in Luxury Markets."

General Atlantic Professor of Marketing

Robert A. Magowan Professor of Marketing

Associate Professor of Marketing

Associate Professor of Marketing

Gregor G. Peterson Professor of Accounting; Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Professor of Law (by courtesy), School of Law

Atholl McBean Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources; Director of the Managing Talent for Strategic Advantage Executive Program; Codirector of the Customer- Focused Innovation Executive Program

Adams Distinguished Professor of Management, Emeritus

Strategic Marketing Management
Strategic Marketing Management:
Video Overview
Listen to three alumni of the program describe the impact of this unique offering on them and their organizations.
Key Takeaways
  • In-depth knowledge of competitive dynamics and how to integrate marketing strategy into the overall business strategy
  • Frameworks for analyzing customer preferences and enhancing customer intimacy
  • Building and managing brand equity with effective market communication

Highlighted Sessions

Bringing Customer Focus to the Marketing Organization
Customer intimacy is a means to an end. It is a strategy for sustaining competitive advantage in the market by developing learning relationships with customers. These learning relationships enable the company to deliver appropriately customized products and services to customer segments with different sets of needs. We begin this session with a brief overview of customer intimacy and a discussion of the circumstances under which it makes sense to pursue a strategy of customer intimacy. We then examine the case of Harrah's Entertainment to identify the key principles underlying their successful customer relationship management program.

Understanding and Crafting the Customer Journey
To better understand your customers and their purchasing decisions, you must first understand how humans fundamentally make decisions. A substantial proportion of these decisions is shaped by basic instinctual systems and processes that are not only automatic but also non-conscious. Throughout the course of the two sessions these basic neural systems will be unraveled, with an emphasis placed on the liking and the wanting systems. In the process we will highlight the critical role that emotion plays in the customer decision-making process and ways by which one can shape emotion to foster greater loyalty toward and willingness to pay for an offering, and most importantly enhanced experience utility from the offering. We will also discuss the downside of focusing on price rather than the brand to create a superior customer value proposition and, based on our understanding of the instinctual brain systems, the effective incentive systems that can be set for your customers.

The Art of Storytelling
"Tell me the facts and I'll learn. Tell me the truth and I'll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever." How do you tell a story? This question becomes important for leaders of companies, who often only need to act as an editor, shaping the stories told by employees and customers to align with a shared vision. It becomes important as you craft a marketing campaign. But a good story is not enough, it must be well told.

In this session, we will break down the basic elements of storytelling, and apply them to your company and give you the opportunity to practice telling a story about your organization, your product, or you.

Creating Better Strategies
"Business Strategy" is perhaps the most overused and least understood concept in our business vocabularies. What, exactly, is a business strategy? How do we develop better business strategies?

These two sessions will examine the fundamental building blocks of business strategy, including the all-important elements of marketing strategy, and develop a process for Creating Better Strategies.

But before we can understand Business Strategy, we must explore the even more fundamental question, "What is a business?" Then we can tackle other key questions, such as, "How do we predict the future?", "How do we tell if we have a good strategy or a bad one?" ,"How do we develop alternative business strategies?", "How do we select a business strategy?".

Other Selected Sessions

  • Strategies for Market Growth
  • Building Innovative Brands
  • Understanding Customer Preferences
  • Understanding Customer Profitability
  • Pricing
  • Linking the Customer Value Proposition to Organizational Culture
  • Building a Sales Organization
  • Leading Change to a Market-Focused Organization

Who Should Attend?

This program is designed for marketing executives and managers with at least eight years of management experience, as well as general managers with responsibility for marketing-related functions. It is appropriate for individuals from organizations of any size and in any industry.
SAMPLE Participant Mix

Guest Speakers

Kaaren Hanson
Vice President, Design Innovation (DIG), Intuit on Using Ethnography to Better Understand Customers

Steve Haro
Director, 777 Marketing at Boeing Commercial Airplanes on Branding in the B2B Context

Oliver Claude
Sr. Director, EIM Solution Management at SAP on What's Next: Applying the Program Content in Your Day-to-Day Roles

Alberto Savoia
Former Engineering Director and Innovation Agitator, Google, Inc on Innovation and Pretotyping

Dan R. E. Thomas
Founder and President of Focus, Inc,; former faculty member of Stanford Graduate School of Business and Harvard Business School

Oren Jacob,
Founder and CEO at ToyTalk, Inc. on Telling Stories that Resonate


Stanford University
The Stanford campus is world renowned for its natural beauty, Spanish mission-style architecture, and temperate climate. With more than 8,180 acres (3,310 hectares), Stanford's campus ranks as one of the largest in the United States. Participants in Stanford's Executive Programs become part of a quintessential university setting, residing together, walking or biking to classes, and enjoying access to Stanford University facilities.
The Knight Management Center
Opened in spring 2011, the Knight Management Center has transformed the Stanford Graduate School of Business into a vibrant and unified indoor-outdoor, living and learning community. Participants will take classes at this new state-of-the-art campus, which features tiered classrooms with extensive floor-to-ceiling glass, the latest in audiovisual technology, numerous breakout and study rooms, outdoor seating areas to encourage informal discussion, and an open collaboration lab that employs hands-on and design thinking techniques.
Schwab Residential Center
Designed by renowned Mexican architect, Ricardo Legorreta, the Schwab Residential Center gives residents ample privacy while promoting collegial interaction through shared lounges, outdoor meeting areas, a library, and an exercise room.
SMM has given me the confidence to lead and transform. The program incorporates the best minds available - as instructors, facilitators, and as participants. I'm energized by the class interactions and by the long term acquisition of skills and knowledge. It's given me the confidence to set goals and to move forward both professionally and personally.
– Kip Darcy
Vice President, Marketing, Communications and Enrollment
Kettering University
This was the best educational experience I've ever had in any executive program by a wide margin. The lessons learned in the program made it possible for me to lead marketing strategies more effectively, transforming them from plans to accomplishments with greater accuracy and effectiveness. In addition, this program continues to be a vital catalyst of rejuvenating customer-driven innovation in our company.
– Louis Columbus
Director of Product Marketing
I attended Stanford's Strategic Marketing Management Program with the goal of brushing up on my strategic marketing competencies. The program delivered on this 110%. The breadth and depth of the topics in the program are well-balanced and when leaving this program, you are particularly aware of why, how, when, and to whom to deliver extraordinary perceived consumer value.
– Reno Peter Øhlenschlæger
Chief Marketing Manager
Statoil A/S
The superior faculty instruction, the intensity of study, and the incredible range of workplace experiences and knowledge held by the participants are all invaluable assets.
– Greg C. McCullough
Communications Manager
This program offered a great broad-sweep approach to marketing strategy and a wonderfully diverse group of senior managers.
– Lakshmi Gopalkrishnan
Lead Site Manager, Microsoft Office
Great lectures, stimulating discussions, and interesting classmates make this intensive program one not to be missed! The program helped me better understand other areas in our company and identify areas of weakness.
– Kathleen M. Paver
Senior VP, Marketing
Pier 39
The best elements of this program are the quality of the faculty leading the discussions and the diverse nature of the participants in terms of geographic location and industry. I am taking away a better understanding of how to communicate brand equity to my management team and a few great ideas for making lively presentations.
– Laura Garner
Director of Marketing
Citibank Alternative Investment Strategies


Dan Epelman
Director, Programs and Marketing
Phone: 650.725.7169
Email: [email protected]