V Srinivasan

Adams Distinguished Professor of Management, Emeritus

Phone: (650) 723-8505

Email: [email protected]


Academic Areas: Marketing

“Seenu” Srinivasan’s expertise is in the area of market research. In particular, he is most well known for his research in “conjoint analysis.” This survey-based research approach is useful for product (or service) planning and pricing by predicting which among several multi-attribute products or services customers are likely to choose. Every year more than 14,000 commercial applications of conjoint analysis methods occur. His other research interests are measurement of brand equity and market structure analysis (the nature and magnitude of substitutability among brands in a product market).


Professor V. “Seenu” Srinivasan received his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (Chennai), and was the gold medalist in his graduating class. He worked for two years as a production-planning engineer at Larsen and Toubro, Mumbai prior to joining Carnegie-Mellon University where he received his MS and PhD in Industrial Administration. He is currently the Adams Distinguished Professor of Management, Emeritus at the Stanford Business School. He was formerly the director of Stanford Business School's doctoral program and the faculty director of its Strategic Marketing Management executive program.

Professor Srinivasan’s primary research interest is in the measurement of customer preferences (conjoint analysis) and its role in product and service planning and pricing. He has also contributed to other market research areas such as measurement of brand equity and market structuring. At the Stanford MBA program, he taught the core course “Data and Decisions (Accelerated),” an elective course “Customer-Focused Product Marketing,” and was the faculty member in charge of the MBA Global Management Experience program SAIL (Stanford And IIMB - Indian Institute of Management Bangalore - Link). Professor Srinivasan has been a consultant to several companies and has won best-teacher awards. He was an associate editor of the Journal of Marketing Research and Management Science and is currently on the Editorial advisory board of Marketing Science. He received the Parlin Award for outstanding contributions to marketing research, the Churchill Award for lifetime achievement in marketing research, the Converse Award for outstanding contributions to the development of the science of marketing, and eleven other best research paper awards. Professor Srinivasan is a fellow of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) and a fellow of the INFORMS Society for Marketing Science (ISMS).

Academic Degrees

PhD, Carnegie Mellon Univ., 1971; MS, Carnegie Mellon Univ., 1970; BTech, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (Chennai), 1966.

Professional Experience

At Stanford since 1974.

Facutly Director, Strategic Marketing Management Executive Program, 2002-2009, Director, Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, 1982-85; Asst.-Assoc. Prof., Univ. of Rochester, 1971-74; Instructor, Carnegie Mellon Univ., 1970; Production Planning Engineer, Larsen and Toubro, Ltd., 1966-68.

Selected Publications

  • Adaptive Self-Explication of Multiattribute Preferences: Journal of Marketing Research, 2011
  • A Conjoint-Hazard Model of the Timing of Buyers' Upgrading to Improved Versions of HighTechnology Products: Journal of Product Innovation Management, 2009
  • A Hidden Markov Model of Customer Relationship Dynamics: Marketing Science, 2008
  • An Approach to the Measurement, Analysis, and Prediction of Brand Equity and Its Sources: Marketing Science, 2005
  • How Much Does the Market Value an improvement in a Product Attribute?: Marketing Science, 2002
  • Integrated Product Design for Marketability and Manufacturing: Journal of Marketing Research, 1997
  • Quota-Based Compensation Plans for Multi-Territory Heterogenous Salesforce: Management Science, 1996
  • Alternative Models for Capturing the Compromise Effect: Journal of Marketing Research, 2004
  • Linear Programming Techniques for Multidimensional Analysis of Preferences: Psychometrika, 1973
  • A Consumer-Based Methodology for the Identification of New Product Ideas: Management Science, 1974
  • A Consumer Preference Approach to the Planning of Rural Primary Health Care Facilities: Operations Research, 1976
  • Conjoint Analysis in Consumer Research: Issues and Outlook: Journal of Consumer Research, 1978
  • Multi-Attribute Approaches for Product Concept Evaluation and Generation; A Critical Review: Journal of Marketing Research, 1979
  • STRATPORT: A Model for the Evaluation and Formulation of Business Portfolio Strategies: Management Science, 1982
  • Salesforce Compensation Plans: An Agency Theoretic Perspective: Marketing Science, 1985
  • A Simultaneous Approach to Market Segmentation and Market Structuring: Journal of Marketing Research, 1987
  • Conjoint Analysis in Marketing: New Developments with Implications for Research and Practice: Journal of Marketing, 1990
  • A Survey-Based method for Measuring and Understanding Brand Equity and its Extendibility: Journal of Marketing Research, 1994
  • Surprising Robustness of Self-Explicated Approach to Customer Preference Structure Measurement: Journal of Marketing Research, 1997
  • A Relationship Between Market Share Elasticities and Brand Switching Probabilities: Journal of Marketing Research, 1998
  • Asymmetric and Neighborhood Price Effects: Some Empirical Generalizations: Marketing Science, 1999
  • The Predictive Power of Internet-Based Product Concept Testing Using Visual Depiction and Animation: Journal of Product Innovation Management, 2000
  • Estimation Techniques for Macro Diffusion Models: New Product Diffusion Models, 2000
  • Predictive Validation of Multiatribute Choice Models, 1999/,2000: Marketing Research, 2000

Working Papers

  • 2091: What if Marketers Put Their Customers Ahead of Profits?
  • 2028: An Improved Method for the Quantitative Assessment of Customer Priorities
  • 1935: The Impact of Feature Advertising on Customer Store Choice
  • 1905: The Impact of Unit Cost Reductions on Gross Profit: Increasing or Decreasing Returns?
  • 1979: Adaptive Self-Explication of Multi-Attribute Preferences
  • 1059: Evaluating The Effects Of Retail Promotions In Segmented Markets
  • 1060: Determining Cross-Price Elasticities and Product-Market Structure Through the Measurement of Consumer Preference Structures
  • 1070: Conjoint Analysis in Marketing Research: A Review of New Developments
  • 1093: A Multi-Segment Theory of Price Elasticity Structure
  • 1110: Quota-Based Compensation Schemes For Multi-Territory Salesforces
  • 1149: Prioritizing Marketing Image Goals in a Resource Constrained Environment
  • 1164: The Relationship Between Price Elasticities and Brand Switching Probabilities
  • 1301: Quota-Based Compensation Plans for Multi-Territory Heterogeneous Salesforces
  • 1310: An Improved Method for Meta-Analysis with Application to New Product Diffusion Models
  • 1342: Surprising Robustness of the Self-Explicated Approach to Customer Preference Structure Measurement
  • 1473R: Asymmetric and Neighborhood Cross-Price Effects: Joint Estimation for Testing Empirical Generalizability
  • 1483: An Alternative Approach to the Predictive Validation of Conjoint Models
  • 1502: The Predictive Power of Internet-Based Product Concept Testing Using Visual Depiction and Animation
  • 1544: Estimation Techniques for Macro Diffusion Models
  • 1593R: The Asymmetric Share Effect: An Empirical Generalization on Absolute Cross-Price Effects
  • 1685R2: An Approach to the Measurement, Analysis, and Prediction of Brand Equity and its Sources
  • 1720R1: A Conjoint-Hazard Model of the Timing of Buyers' Upgrading to Improved Versions of High Technology Products
  • 1731R: Alternative Models for Capturing the Compromise Effect
  • 1904R: A Hidden Markov Model of Customer Relationship Dynamics
  • 215: Determining Cost vs. Time Pareto-Optimal Frontiers in Multi-Modal Transportation Problems
  • 227: The Multi-Region Dynamic Capacity Expansion Problem - I
  • 249: Cost Operator Algorithms for the Transportation Problem
  • 251: An Alternate Interpretation of the Linear Learning Model of Brand Choice
  • 257: Amount of Information as a Determinant of Consumer Behavior Towards New Products
  • 268: Algorithms for Minimizing Total Cost, Bottleneck Time and Bottleneck Shipment in Transportation Problems
  • 271: A Consumer Preference Approach to the Planning of Rural Primary Health Care Facilities
  • 280: Optimal State-Dependent Pricing Policies for a Class of Stochastic Multi-Unit Rental Systems
  • 307: Bias in Stochastic Binary Models of Brand Choice
  • 326: Multi-Attribute Approaches for Product Concept Evaluation and Generation: A Critical Review
  • 344: Network Models for Estimating Brand "Images"
  • 346: The Reliability of Estimated Beta Weights in Multiple Regression Studies
  • 347: A Theoretical Comparison of the Predictive Power of the Multiple Regression and Equal Weighting Procedures
  • 403: An Improved Method for Comparing Rank Order Preferences of Two Groups of Consumers
  • 412: Applications of the Operator Theory of Parametric Programming for the Transportation and Generalized Transportation Problems
  • 435: Conjoint Analysis in Consumer Research: Issues and Outlook
  • 523: The Factor Structure of Multidimensional Response to Marketing Stimuli: An Investigation of Two Approaches
  • 528: An Investigation of the Equal Commission Rate Policy for a Multi-Product Salesforce
  • 529: The Nonoptimality of Equal Commission Rates in Multi-Product Salesforce Compensation Schemes
  • 535: Forecasting the Effectiveness of Work-Trip Gasoline Conservation Policies through Conjoint Analysis
  • 569: Comments on the Role of Price in Individual Utility Judgments
  • 572: STRATPORT: A Model for the Evaluation and Formulation of Business Portfolio Strategies
  • 573: STRATPORT: A Decision Support System for Strategic Planning
  • 609: The Metric Quality of Ordered Categorical Data
  • 610: Decision Aids for MBA Program Admissions: Predicting Academic Performance
  • 620: A Strict Paired Comparison Linear Programming Approach
  • 621: Improving Predictive Power of Conjoint Analysis by Constrained Paramenter Estimation
  • 624: The Statistical Significance of Stepwise Regression Models Developed by Forward Selection: A Monte Carlo Calibration
  • 627: The Multiregion Dynamic Capacity Expansion Problem: An Improved Heuristic
  • 759: Nonlinear Least Squares Estimation of the Bass Diffusion Model of New Product Acceptance
  • 767: Sales Compensation Plans: A Theory
  • 800: A Simultaneous Approach to Market Segmentation and Market Structuring
  • 851: An Evaluation of Estimation Procedures for New Product Diffusion Models
  • 866: A Conjunctive-Compensatory Approach to the Self-Explication of Multiattributed Preferences
  • 867: CASEMAP: Computer-Assisted Self-Explication of Mutl-Attributed Preferences
  • 944: Comparing the Predictive Powers of Alternative Multiple Regression Models
  • 949: A Direct Aggregation Approach to Inferring Microparameters of the Koyck Advertising-Sales Relationship from Macro Data
  • 950: Effects of Brand Loyalty on Competitive Price Promotional Strategies
  • 965: An Approach to Track Within-Segment Shifts in Market Share
  • 999: Salesforce Compensation Plans: A Dynamic Perspective

Awards and Honors

  • Fellow, Institute for Operations Research and the Mangement Sciences (INFORMS), 2010
  • Recipient of the Parlin award (1996), Churchill award (1998), and Converse award, 2000
  • Fellow, INFORMS Society for Marketing Science (ISMS), 2009
  • O'Dell award for the best paper published in the Journal of Marketing Research, 1979, 1987
  • John Little award for the best paper in Marketing Science / Management Science for 1985, 2002, 2008
  • ORSA Award for best paper, 1976
  • Parlin award for outstanding contributions to marketing research, 1996
  • President's Gold Medal, 1966, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (Chennai)
  • Churchill award for lifetime achievement in marketing research, 1998



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