Understanding Competitive Advantage
Many firms are successful in their markets, but have only a limited understanding of the reasons behind the success. This lack of understanding can be dangerous: seemingly sensible decisions can turn the firm's fortunes for the worse. More generally, firms with a sustained competitive advantage are ones in which managers throughout the organization have a deep understanding of the firm's key success factors. This session will present a framework for analyzing the firm's basis of competitive advantage, and allow you to consider the implications of different sources of competitive advantage for strategic decision making.
Influencing Upwards
This session will tackle the challenge of influencing small groups, particularly those over which one has no authority. Through analysis of parts of the film Twelve Angry Men, participants will identify several perspectives on group dynamics which can be used to develop influence strategies, and examine which tactics are most effective, and why.
Motivating Employees to Work Harder and Smarter
In these tough economic times, leaders must find ways to motivate their employees to work harder and smarter. Most managers tend to rely on "carrots" as means of motivation. This session will explore alternative "psychological levers" — tools that truly motivate and inspire employees to perform without excess spending. The group will draw examples from successful firms that have unlocked their employees' true potential by providing meaning in their work.
Accounting for Valuation and Control
Financial reporting is the primary means by which current and prospective investors and other interested parties are informed of the financial position and the results of the operations of an organization. Management control is the process whereby managers assure that resources are obtained and used effectively and efficiently in the accomplishment of an organization's objectives. Participants will study the principles governing the measurement of income and financial position, as well as the design of systems for management control.
Strategy Beyond Markets
Most business school classes focus on firms' interactions with customers, competitors, suppliers, and shareholders in the form of mutually beneficial voluntary exchange transacted in markets. In contrast, these sessions consider firms' strategic interactions with comparably important constituents, organizations, and institutions outside of markets. Strategy beyond markets is a central component of a company's approach to achieving superior overall performance, and it must be integrated with the company's market strategy. Examples of topics to be discussed in these sessions include boycotts, activist pressures, regulation, judicial decisions, and political risk, all of which substantially impact firms' performance and profitability.
Leadership Vignettes
This session will draw on a collection of video cases featuring leaders talking about the toughest challenges they have faced, the decisions they have made, and the lessons they learned from these experiences. Participants will then discuss how these challenges relate to their own careers and to their development as leaders.
The Neuroscience of Decision Making
This session will explore the key drivers that affect decision making. Drawing on data from research in both the public and private sector, it will reveal the neural underpinnings of the crucial role that emotion and analytics play in the decision making processes. It will highlight the main processes employed in the decision-making process, and present some tools for harnessing the power of emotion to yield the most effective decisions.
Crisis Management
What should management do when a crisis focuses the harsh spotlight of public opinion on its organization? Whether it results from a firm's own missteps (think BP) or from strategic activism or media action (think Greenpeace), crisis is increasingly on the agenda for today's executives. This session will explore the skills and organizational structures required to prepare for, and productively manage, a crisis to avoid bringing lasting damage to a firm's reputation.
Strategy and Organizational Design: Translating Strategy into Action
This session will examine the role of organizational design in executing a company's strategy. The group will begin by identifying JetBlue's strategy and then discuss and evaluate how the company's organizational design supports this strategy. The case of JetBlue Airways will be used to discuss the way the company culture is built and reinforced and how this helps to support the execution of the company's strategy.