Andrzej Skrzypacz

Theodore J. Kreps Professor of Economics on leave 2011/2012 AY

Lacob Family Faculty Fellow for 2012-2013

Phone: (650) 736-0987

Email: [email protected]

Personal Homepage:

Academic Areas: Economics

Andrzej (Andy) Skrzypacz's research is in the area of microeconomic theory. His focus is on the areas of information economics, market design, and dynamic games. His recent papers consider auction design, bargaining theory, repeated games, and collusion in markets.


Professor Skrzypacz's research focuses on microeconomic theory and its applications. His main papers are in the areas of auction theory, bargaining theory, dynamic games, information economics, and collusion in markets.

Andy teaches Managerial Economics to MBA students and a class on Auctions, Bargaining, and Pricing to PhD students. He also advises numerous PhD students in their dissertation research. In 2005 he received PhD Distinguished Service Award from the GSB PhD Association.

Andy received his PhD in Economics from the University of Rochester in 2000, and since then he has worked at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Academic Degrees

PhD, Univ. of Rochester, 2000, MA, 2000, MA, Warsaw School of Economics, 1997, BS, 1995.

Professional Experience

At Stanford since 2000.

Selected Publications

Working Papers

  • 1887: Impossibility of Collusion under Imperfect Monitoring with Flexible Production
  • 1879: Network Externalities and Long-Run Market Shares
  • 1885: Collusion under Monitoring of Sales
  • 2030: Limited Records and Reputation
  • 2088: Time Horizon and Cooperation in Continuous Time
  • 2102: Not Only What But also When: A Theory of Dynamic Voluntary Disclosure
  • 1641: The Behavior of Price Dispersion in a Natural Experiment
  • 1695: Inflation and Price Setting in a Natural Experiment
  • 1698R2: Tacit Collusion in Repeated Auctions
  • 1765: Uncertainty about Uncertainty and Delay in Bargaining
  • 1814R2: Ratings, Certifications and Grades: Dynamic Signaling and Market Breakdown
  • 1872: Bidding with Securities: Auctions and Security Design

Awards and Honors

  • PhD Faculty Distinguished Service Award, 2005

Courses Taught