Dale T. Miller

The Class of 1968 / Ed Zschau Professor of Organizational Behavior

Louise and Claude Rosenberg Jr. Director of the Center for Social Innovation

Phone: (650) 723-8368

Email: [email protected]


Academic Areas: Organizational Behavior

Professor Dale Miller is Director of the Stanford Graduate School of Business' Center for Social Innovation. His research interests include the impact of social norms on behavior and the role that justice considerations play in individual and organizational decisions. His recent work focuses on the motivations underlying volunteerism and the conditions under which individuals and organizations abandon one course of action to pursue another.


Professor Miller’s research focuses on various aspects of social and group behavior. Long interested in social norms, he has investigated the processes underlying the development, transmission, and modification of group norms. He has been especially interested in the emergence and perpetuation of social norms that lack broad support. A second focus of his research is the origins of people’s commitment to social justice and the role that justice plays in social life, especially voluntarism and charitable giving. He has also studied and written on the sources and cures of cultural conflict.

Professor Miller has served on the editorial board of several scientific journals and currently serves on the editorial boards of the Stanford Social Innovation Review, Social Justice Research, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, and Psychological Inquiry. He has received numerous awards and has been a Visiting Fellow at both the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (Stanford) and the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton).

At Stanford University since 2002, he is currently the Class of 1968 / Ed Zschau Professor of Organizational Behavior. He currently teaches MBA courses on Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility. He also Directs Stanford’s Center for Social Innovation.

Academic Degrees

PhD, University of Waterloo, 1975; BA University of Victoria, 1971.

Professional Experience

At Stanford since 2002.

Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study, 2001-2002; Prof., Princeton University, 1986-2002; Visiting Prof., University of Michigan, 1983-84; Assoc. Prof.-Prof., Simon Frasier University, 1981-86; Asst.-Assoc. Prof. University of British Columbia, 1977-81; Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, 1980-81; Asst. Prof., University of Western Ontario, 1974-77.

Courses Taught