Operations, Information and Technology

Our focus in the Operations, Information and Technology (OIT) area is on technological systems. That is, OIT faculty concentrate on the coordinated function of technology, people, and operating procedures in the execution of ongoing tasks. We are concerned with all levels of managerial decision making, from system design and technology choice to day-to-day scheduling and performance measurement.

Examples of technological systems include manufacturing and distribution networks, information processing systems, automated securities exchanges, health care systems and structured product development systems. These systems may be under the control of a single decision maker, may connect multiple decision makers, or may span a number of legally separate organizations. We study technological systems primarily through mathematical models, either descriptive or normative. We also conduct field studies and empirical analyses to guide and test our theories. The interface of operations, information and technology with other functional areas of management is an important component of our mission.


Hau Lee

Mohsen Bayati, Assistant Professor
Kostas Bimpikis, Assistant Professor
Charles Pius Bonini, Professor Emeritus
J. Michael Harrison, Professor
Warren H. Hausman, Professor (by courtesy)
Charles A. Holloway, Professor Emeritus
Ronald A. Howard, Professor (by courtesy)
Dan Iancu, Assistant Professor
Hau L. Lee, Professor
Michael Marks, Lecturer
Haim Mendelson, Professor
James M. Patell, Professor
Erica Plambeck, Professor
Evan L. Porteus, Professor Emeritus
Robert Swinney, Associate Professor
Lawrence M. Wein, Professor
Seungjin Whang, Professor
Paul Yock, Professor (by courtesy)
Stefanos Zenios, Professor

MBA and Sloan Programs


PhD Program

