Stanford Graduate School of Business
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Political Economy Seminars

The seminar series in Political Economy at the GSB is organized by Kenneth Shotts and Romain Wacziarg. The seminar takes place every other Tuesday between Noon and 1:20 PM in Room L107, unless otherwise noted.

Meet the Speaker
Please select the link above to view the schedule or contact Chris Lion for an appointment.

Spring 2005 Speaker Title Location
April 12 Dave Baron  
Stanford GSB
Strategic activism and nonmarket strategy Noon-1:20 PM
Location: L103
April 26 Craig Volden 
Ohio State
TBA Noon-1:20 PM
Location: L103
May 10 TBA   Noon-1:20 PM
Location: L103
May 24 TBA   Noon-1:20 PM
Location: L103
June 7 TBA   Noon-1:20 PM
Location: L103
Winter 2005 Speaker Title Location
January 18 Roberto Rigobon 
Rule of Law, Democracy, Openness, and Income: Estimating The Interrelationships  (PDF version ) Noon-1:20 PM
Location: L103
February 1 Alan Wiseman 
Ohio State
Bargaining in Legislatures over Particularistic and Collective Goods (PDF version ) Noon-1:20 PM
Location: L103
March 1 Adam Meirowitz 
Princeton University
Exclusionary Deliberation: 
The design of deliberative institutions to aggregate preferences and Information (PDF version

In defense of exclusionary deliberation: communication and voting with private beliefs and values (PDF version )
Noon-1:20 PM
Location: L103
March 15 B�rd Harstad  
Northwestern University
Harmonization and Side Payments in Political Cooperation (PDF version ) Noon-1:20 PM
Location: L103
March 29 Diego Comin  
Lobbying and Technology Diffusion  (PDF version ) Noon-1:20 PM
Location: L103
Fall 2004 Speaker Title Location
October 12 Matthew O. Jackson  
Vote Buying (PDF version ) with Eddie Dekel and Asher Wolinsky. Noon-1:20 PM
Location: L104
October 26 Romain T. Wacziarg  
Stanford GSB 
Death and Development (co-authored with John McMillan and Peter Lorentzen) Noon-1:20 PM
Location: L104
November 9
Massimo Morelli 
Ohio State
Self Enforcing Voting in International Organizations (PDF version Noon-1:20 PM
Location: L104
November 23 Tasos Kalandrakis 
University of Rochester
Genericity of Minority Governments: the Role of Policy and Office (PDF version ) Noon-1:20 PM
Location: L104
December 7 Catherine Hafer 
Standoff and Coordination (PDF version Noon-1:20 PM
Location: L104

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