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Stanford Graduate School of Business
Knight Management Center
Stanford University
655 Knight Way
Stanford, CA 94305-7298
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Answers to Most Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I find directions to Stanford Business School?
How do I apply to the Stanford Business School?
Each of the School’s programs maintains its own application site.
Does Stanford Business School offer part-time programs? An undergraduate degree program? Online courses?
Sorry, the answer to all these questions is no.
How do I find phone numbers or email addresses for faculty, staff, and students?
All public contact information is included in the Stanford directory.
If the person you are searching for is not in that directory, please contact the webmaster who will forward your message.
How do I contact an office or department at Stanford Business School?
Browser Information
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Navigating This Site
For specific information that is not listed in our site navigation you can search the Stanford Graduate School of Business web or check the alphabetical listing under our site index.
About This Site
The Stanford Graduate School of Business website is an official publication of the School and is under the overall control of the School’s academic administration. This control includes responsibility for content and for electronic links to other websites. To the maximum extent possible, the School does not regulate content beyond what is stated by existing policies at Stanford University, such as the Honor Code, The Fundamental Standard, Sexual Harassment Policy, and the Stanford Business School Acceptable Use Policy. The Stanford Computer and Network Usage Policy describes in detail the overall university policies, scope, applicability, responsibilities, and consequences.
The Scope of the Web
The Stanford Graduate School of Business web is a hierarchical structure and encompasses both public (Internet) and private (Intranet) access to information.
The public School pages include faculty profile pages, class pages, research initiative pages, administrative/departmental pages, and publications pages, such as the Stanford Business magazine and the Research Paper Series. Pages also exist for official School publications that relate to information about the Stanford Graduate School of Business, such as course catalogs, academic program brochures, news releases, directories, and the mission statement.
Occasionally, resources are allocated in the School web for members of the Business School community who wish to establish pages for their own use. All web pages created in this context must not represent themselves in any way as official publications of the Stanford Business School, either by direct statement or by implication through the use of official Stanford Business School logos. Each page should include a statement of ownership, indicating which person or group is responsible for the content.
Confidentiality and Intellectual Property Issues
Information placed on the Stanford Graduate School of Business web is governed by the same general legal principles and practices which govern the publication and distribution of information in other media. It is the responsibility of each individual or office to ensure that all information placed on the web meets all legal principles nd practices which exist to protect confidentiality, copyright, standards of citation, and other intellectual property rights.