Thomas Lee

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Professor Lee's principal areas of professional interest include analog circuitry of all types, ranging from low-level DC instrumentation to high-speed RF communications systems. His present research focus is on CMOS RF integrated circuit design, and on extending operation into the terahertz realm.

Last modified Thu, 19 Jul, 2012 at 16:40

Title Author(s) Journal Date
Biological shot-noise and quantum-limited signal-to-noise ratio in affinity-based biosensors Lee, TH, et. al. Journal of Applied Physics 04-2005
Minimum achievable phase noise of RC oscillators Lee, TH, et. al. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 03-2005
A constant-frequency method for improving light-load efficiency in synchronous buck converters Lee, TH, et. al. IEEE Power Electronics Letters 03-2005