Welcome to the Senior Page
On This Page:
Hello Class of 2013. Bookmark this page and use it as a road map to navigating the final steps toward graduation and beyond…
The Senior “Must Do” list
As plans for graduation and life after Stanford begin to take shape, follow these steps to ensure timely completion of graduation requirements:
- Check degree progress
- Consult with your department’s student services administrator to ensure satisfaction of all requirements
- Take your WIM course if you haven’t already done so
- Apply to graduate
- Take a Writing a Personal Statement workshop
- Notify Spring Quarter instructors of your intent to graduate
- Thank your instructors and others who have helped you over the past several years
- Contact CDC about your resume portfolio
Resources and Opportunities
Senior Specific Deadlines and Events
- Away from Stanford Fair
Nov. 01 2012 - Course Withdrawal Deadline
Nov. 16 2012 - Last Day of Autumn Classes
Dec. 07 2012 - Autumn End-Quarter Examinations
Dec. 10 2012 - First Day of Winter Quarter
Jan. 07 2013 - Preliminary Study List Deadline
Jan. 07 2013 - Final Study List Deadline
Jan. 25 2013
Thinking Ahead
Now is the time to explore your opportunities and plan for the years ahead…
Senior Links:
Taking Care of Business