Leadership Opportunities
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Whether you believe leaders are born or made, Stanford provides numerous opportunities to develop leadership skills. Stanford undergraduates have gone on to prominent leadership roles in virtually every area of the arts, sciences, politics, sports, business, research and humanities. Here are some resources.
Academic Leadership Opportunities
Departmental Peer Mentoring
Most departments have opportunities for upperclassmen to mentor students new to the major. Contact the specific department or program for more information.
Students who are interested in providing tutoring in Oral Communication, Writing, or subject areas can become paid tutors. Community Centers and Tau Beta Pi also welcome volunteer tutors in specific subjects.
- Appointment Tutors
- Community Centers
- Oral Communication Tutors
- Peer Writing Tutor
- Residential Peer Tutors
- Stanford University Math Organization
- Tau Beta Pi
Undergraduate Advisory Boards
Several organizations around campus have created undergraduate advisory boards, designed to give students a voice in the administration of different academic programs and services.
- Haas Public Service Student Advisory Board
- IHUM Student Advisory Board
- PWR Undergraduate Advisory Board
- UAR Undergraduate Advisory Board
- Faculty senate and other committees
Cap and Gown Society
The Cap and Gown Society encourages networking and exchanging ideas by bringing together alumnae and women from the Stanford community.
Leading through Education, Activism and Diversity (LEAD)
Led by staff of the four ethnic community centers on campus, LEAD offers students the opportunity to develop leadership skills to effect positive social change. Priority is given to freshmen and sophomore applicants to the program.
Oral Communication Courses
Excellent oral communication skills are fundamental to strong leadership. The Oral Communication Program offers a comprehensive approach to speech communication that includes training in the fundamental principles of public speaking and effective delivery of oral presentations.
Student Government Opportunities
ASSU Undergraduate Senate
The Undergraduate Senate is the official representative body of undergraduate student interests and concerns. It is composed of elected student senators who serve on various subcommittees related to students’ academic and residential life at Stanford.
ASSU Executive Branch
The ASSU Executives coordinate and oversee all of the day-to-day operations and activities of the association.
Frosh Council
Sponsored by Undergraduate Advising and Research, the Frosh Council is the elected leadership of the Freshman Class. It consists of approximately 45 representatives from dorms with freshmen. The Frosh Council meets weekly and representatives return to their house meetings to serve as vital communication links between the University and the freshman class. In addition, the Frosh Council plans several events during the year, such as the Frosh Formal, Freshman Talent Show and others.
Student Life Leadership Opportunities
Students Activities Groups
Student Activities and Leadership provides numerous opportunities for students to develop their leadership abilities through student activities, student organizations, ASSU, fraternities and sororities.
Community Centers
Many community centers on campus offer undergraduates leadership opportunities through activities (such as organizing admit weekend activities, community outreach, leading group discussion or running daylong events).
Residential Staff Positions
Positions are available in everything from Peer Health Education and Resident Computing to Row House Management and Tutoring.
Vaden Health Center
Vaden Health Center has several volunteer opportunities for students interested in making a difference with the health and well-being of their peers. Opportunities include becoming a Peer Health Educator (PHE), training to be a Counselor at the Sexual Health Peer Resource Center (SHPRC), or working at the Bridge.
Working with Incoming Students
Stanford offers several leadership opportunities for students interested in interacting with prospective students and new incoming freshmen.
Student Leadership Society
The Student Leadership Society provides selected students with hands-on leadership experience through planning and executing class identity and alumni networking events.
Community Service and Leadership Opportunities
Public Service Leadership Program
The Haas Center offers several options to students wanting to grow as leaders.
Gardner Center
The John W. Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities at Stanford partners Stanford University with local communities in Alameda and San Mateo counties. We work to build new knowledge, practices and capacity for community youth development.
Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Business Association of Stanford Entrepreneurial Students
The goal of BASES is to build the next generation of entrepreneurs by facilitating networking, discussion, education and hands-on experience. BASES includes undergraduate and graduate students along with faculty members from all Stanford schools, including Business, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Humanities and the Sciences.
Stanford Student Enterprises
Stanford Student Enterprises provides leadership and employment opportunities for students during the academic year and summer session.
Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)
Stanford students have the option of participating in ROTC through cross-enrollment agreements with three neighboring universities. Details on these programs as well as the Haas Center Military Service as Public Service Project are available on our ROTC page.