Research Opportunities
On This Page:
Getting Started
Conducting research is different from the kinds of academic work with which students are usually familiar. This can make getting started seem more daunting than it really is. Refining broad interests into a focused research topic and finding the right faculty mentor are the most important early stages of the process.
- Student Grants from UAR. Students can apply for grants in collaboration with a faculty mentor.
- Departmental Research Programs. Departments provide research funding for students to serve research or lab assistants on faculty projects.
- Other Reseach Funding . Funding for research on- and off-campus is available through many other sources.
- Storytelling Grants. Braden Grants support students researching oral storytelling traditions and craft or the creation of oral histories of specific groups or institutions
Making the Most of Your Research
The end results of a successful research experience are varied, but can include:
- Symposium of Undergraduate Research and Public Service (SURPS): Make a presentation at Stanford's SURPS or another scholarly meeting.
- Turning a research project into an honors thesis
- Receiving academic credit for a project
- Publishing in one of Stanford's undergraduate journals (or a professional one!)
Nominate a Professor for the Allan Cox Medal
If you've conducted research with a Stanford professor, consider nominating her/him for the Allan V. Cox Medal for Faculty Excellence Fostering Undergraduate Research at Stanford University. Since 1988, the Cox Medal has been awarded annually to a faculty member who has established a record of excellence directing undergraduate research over a number of years. It may also go to a faculty member who has done an especially outstanding job with just one or two undergraduates whose work is unusually superior. For further details, a sortable table of previous winners, and the online nomination form, please click here. The nomination deadline is Sunday, April 22, 2012.
Research Links:
- Planning Research
- Academic Timeline for Research
- Student Research Grants
- Departmental Research Programs
- Other Research Funding
- Making the Most of Your Research
- Research Printables
Related Links:
- Creativity and the Arts
- Planning for Honors
- Honors
- Planning for Overseas Studies
- Writing and Research Resources