Tutoring & Academic Support
On This Page:
In addition to help from professors' and TAs' office hours, various kinds of tutoring and academic skills coaching are available for all students and explained below. Tutoring and coaching are used by students in all years and at all levels of understanding.
Get Tutoring in a Subject
New: improved performance! Fixes installed 10/22 should significantly improve the booking system.
Peer subject tutoring (drop-in and by appointment) is offered to undergraduates only and is free of charge. CTL Peer Tutors are undergraduates who tutor other undergraduates in specific courses. A list of courses tutored during the academic year is on our FAQ page.
See table of drop-in sessions--no signup required!
Get Help with a Writing Project
Stanford provides several different resources for students who would like one-to-one advice about a writing project.
- Read about writing support at Stanford.
- Make an appointment at the Writing Center.
- Check out Writing Tutor Drop-In Hours.
Get Help with an Oral Presentation
The Oral Communication Program offers courses, workshops and appointments for Stanford students who want to improve their oral communication skills. Our Oral Communication Tutors (OCTs) provide consultations at our Speaking Center in Meyer Library, Suite 123.
- Make an Oral Communication Tutor (OCT) appointment. (Select "OCP:OralCommTutoring" as the Center.)
- Read how to get help with an oral presentation.
- Take an Oral Communication course.
Academic Skills Coaching
Not all student academic skills are intuitive. Developing your skills in time management, note-taking, test preparation, overcoming procrastination, reading comprehension, and deep transformative learning, will contribute to your success at Stanford.
- Request an appointment
- Read our blog, "The Duck Stops Here"
- Take our Academic Skills Self-Assessment online tool
- Check out our study tips! At our Printables page, sort by "Unit" (rightmost column) and find the "CTL" handouts.
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Request to Join a Study Group
Studying with other students in your class can help you do better. Submit a request to join - or start - a study group, and the CTL Office will match you up with other interested students in the same class.
How to Schedule Writing or Oral Communication Tutoring via SUTutor:
- Go to SUTutor and log in.
- Click on "Search Availability".
- In the "Center:" dropdown menu, select the kind of tutoring you would like.
- Select a date range and look for available appointments or drop-in sessions that work for you. For posted drop-in sessions, no appointment is needed.
- If you're making a one-to-one appointment, click on the time slot and an appointment entry screen will appear. Complete the required fields and click Save. You will receive a confirmation email.
Tutoring Links:
- Does my dorm have a tutor? Drop-in sessions table
- FAQs about CTL Peer Tutoring
- Who tutors what subjects?
- Get Help with an Oral Presentation
- Get Help with a Writing Project
- Summary of Academic Resources
Become a Tutor:
For Tutors:
- Resources for Current Oral Communication Tutors
- Resources for Current CTL Tutors
- Award-Winning Teachers on Teaching Series
"[My tutor was ] a pivotal factor in helping me achieve my goal of passing the class, which I did... Everything about that class was a battle for me and I trust [my tutor] saw that."
- Austin Trinkle '13