Welcome to the Coterm Page

The information contained below applies to those students who have applied and have been admitted to a Coterm program at Stanford.

If you are an undergraduate student considering applying to a Coterm program, please visit Choosing to Coterm.

Coterm students are able to take courses towards their undergraduate and graduate degree at the same time. The nature of having two programs or careers (UG and GRAD) open at the same time means that a student may have to consult with more than one office or department regarding academic and registration matters.

 How Undergraduate Advising & Research can help

Coterms who have not had their undergraduate degree conferred should consult with any advisor in Undergraduate Advising and Research or an Academic Director to discuss:

  • Course selection and University requirements as they relate to the undergraduate degree
    • General Education Requirements (GER's)
    • The writing requirement (PWR)
    • The language requirement
    • Unit requirement for the completion of 180 units towards the undergraduate degree
  • Exceptions to University Policy as they relate to the undergraduate career only
    • Petition for a missed deadline
    • Petition to take over the 20 unit maximum
    • Other course enrollment petitions
  • Leave of Absence
    • Students must take a leave from both careers
  • Academic Standing
    • VPUE and Coterm departments will jointly review the academic progress of students until the conferral of the undergraduate degree.

Please consult your Coterm department for concerns about graduate enrollment requirements and policies.

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Requirements for Coterms

To graduate with a coterminal bachelor’s and master’s degree, a student must complete requirements for both degrees.

  • Undergraduate degree requirements. An undergraduate degree requires 180 units including coursework in writing, general education requirements, the foreign language requirement, major requirements and electives and at least a 2.0 cumulative gpa.
  • Master’s degree requirements. The minimum requirement for the master’s degree is 45 unduplicated units. See the Stanford Bulletin for graduate students’ residency requirements.

Course Registration, Degree Conferral, and Transferring courses between careers

  • All University deadlines apply
  • The bachelor’s degree can be conferred before the master’s degree or simultaneously, however, the master's degree may not be conferred before the bachelor's degree.
  • You must apply for each degree separately. Two applications on Axess are required.
  • You may transfer courses between the UG and GRAD careers. The following apply:
    • Courses taken within two quarters of the coterm admit quarter are eligible
    • Course Approval Form: Use the Coterminalon the Registrar's Office page after consulting with a UAR Advisor and your Coterm department
    • You may not transfer courses once the undergraduate degree has been conferred.

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Financial Aid for Coterms

  • The Financial Aid Office considers Coterms to be Undergrads:

    • If the undergraduate degree has not been conferred, and
    • If enrolled in 3rd or 4th year, and
    • If still demonstrates financial need
  • The Financial Aid Office considers Coterms to be Grads:

    • If undergraduate degree has been conferred, or
    • If enrolled beyond 12th quarter (including quarters attended elsewhere, e.g., transfer students)

See a Financial Aid Counselor to discuss your options before you have completed 180 units.

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Resources for Coterms

Office of the Registrar

Financial Aid Office

Vice Provost for Graduate Education

Graduate Life Office

Your Coterm department

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