Symposium & Workshops
Workshop 1 - LCLS Data Analysis (DataAnal) Workshop
- Date: Sunday, October 17, 2010
- Time: (~1-6 pm)
- Location: ROB Bldg. 48 Redwood Conference Rooms A&B
- Organizers: Garth Williams, Marc Messerschmidt, Andy Salnikov
Workshop to discuss methods for data analysis including extracting science from data obtained at the LCLS and early results from the first users
Workshop 2 - LCLS II (LCLS II) Workshop
- Date: Sunday, October 17, 2010
- Time: TBD (~1-5 pm)
- Location: ROB Bldg. 48 Redwood Conference Rooms C&D
- Organizers: Jerry Hastings (SLAC), Dick Lee (LLNL)
User community input is sought to discuss ideas for LCLS-II. What capabilities should be implemented? What are the highest priorities? Examples could include two injectors, soft and hard x-ray sources, THz pump/x-ray probe, two color x-ray pump/x-ray probe experiments, etc. The scientific importance of the different options and implications related to optics, space, and cost should be carefully considered.
Workshop 3 - Frontiers
in Biology with XFELs (BioXFEL) (1-1/2 day joint SLAC LCLS/LBNL Workshop, October 20-21, 2010)
- Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2010
- Time: 8:30 (coffee), talks begin at 9 am
- Location: Kavli Auditorium
- Organizers: Thomas Earnest (LBNL), Garth Williams (SLAC)
Workshop topics to discussions related to include pump-probe
for proteins, bio-systems, soft matter; connection between LCLS
and SPEAR capabilities; crystallography, imaging, data analysis,
characterizing diffraction patterns. Workshop will include a
session on Sample Environments for Single Particle Coherent
Diffractive X-ray Imaging, lead by Mike Bogan and Sebastien
Boutet, to answer many of the common questions asked from users
about these experiments while showcasing many of the upcoming
developments at the forefront, likely focusing on biological
materials and inorganic nanomaterials from droplet sources to
aerosols, single molecules, liquid jets, mass spectrometry, etc.
Workshop 4 - Challenges in Image Processing in Tomographic Data Sets (Imaging) (joint SLAC SSRL/LBNL Workshop)
- Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2010
- Time: 8:30 (coffee), talks begin at 9 am
- Location: Panofsky Auditorium
- Organizers: Carolyn Larabell (LBNL), Joy Andrews Hayter (SSRL)
Workshop will include talks, possibly some computer/demonstrations of techniques, issues of segmentation, mosaic tomography and iterative reconstruction, among others. May include representatives from DOE, Xradia Inc. and possibly Aviso, a company that works with 3D visualization.
Workshop 5 - High Energy Density Science (HEDS) Workshop
- Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2010
- Time: 8:30 (coffee), talks begin at 9 am
- Location: ROB Bldg. 48 Redwood Conference Rooms C&D;
- Organizers: Hae Ja Lee (SLAC), Richard Lee (LLNL)
The High Energy Density Physics workshop will include key scientific areas of Warm Dense Matter physics, high pressure studies, and shock physics. Workshop will discuss MEC instrumentation and experiments for high energy density and matter.
Workshop 6 - AMO Instrumentation and Science Opportunities (AMO) Workshop
- Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2010
- Time: 8:30 (coffee), talks begin at 9 am
- Location: Kavli Bldg. 51 3rd Floor Conference
Room 305
- Organizers: Nora Berrah (WMU), Christoph Bostedt (SLAC),
Daniel Rolles (MPG-ASG; CFEL)
The workshop goal is to seek input from the user community to discuss the design of new instrumentation for the AMO hutch at the LCLS. The organizers would like to get input from the broad user community about their instrumental needs in order to develop the best instrumentation that will enhance research opportunities at the LCLS. Please bring your ideas for instrumentation and scientific justification and be prepared to present them with a maximum of 2 slides. Limited funds are available to build enhanced instrumentation.
Workshop 7 – SXR Instrumentation and Science Opportunities (SXR) Workshop
- Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2010
- Time: 8:30 (coffee), talks begin at 9 am
- Location: ROB Bldg. 48 Redwood Conference Rooms A&B
- Organizer: Joshua Turner (SLAC)
The Soft X-Ray (SXR) materials research instrument completed commissioning in June 2010 and began user experimental operations.
This instrument delivers the intense, ultra short soft x-ray pulses from the LCLS and includes a monochromator whose energy range spans (500 eV - 2000 eV). The instrument has a diverse set of end stations available to conduct a large variety of experimental techniques such as coherent imaging, resonant diffraction, photoelectron spectroscopy, and x-ray emission and/or absorption. This workshop will include an update on the status of these chambers which will allow those to learn about the capabilities who are interested in becoming SXR users at the LCLS. In addition, the first scientific results will be presented from the first user run, fields spanning liquid femtosecond chemistry to ordering in
solids and ultrafast magnetization.
Workshop 8 - Developing Strategies, Preparing and Getting the Most from Macromolecular Crystallography Experiments (Crystallography) Workshop
- Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2010
- Time: 8:30 (coffee), talks begin at 9 am
- Location: SSRL Bldg. 137 Conference Room 322
- Organizers: Clyde Smith (SSRL), Beth Wurzburg (Stanford University)
So, you have grown some crystals of your
favorite protein. Certainly cause to celebrate but you still
have a lot of work to do until you have that structure in hand!
The ability to successfully solve and refine a structure
relies upon not only crystal quality but also upon how good a
job you do collecting and processing the data, and working
through the structure solution process. Poor decisions at the
data strategy and collection step may lead to significant
problems during structure determination.
Mistakes made during structure solution could give rise
to serious errors in your final structure and lead to either
over-interpretation or completely wrong interpretation of the
results. This workshop will introduce you to the steps involved
in the collection of good quality diffraction data, accurate
processing of that data, and structure solution, and will
include both best and worst practices, and show you what can go
If possible, attendees should bring their own
laptops for the afternoon practical session.