SSRL UOEC Nominations

We are currently soliciting nominations for 2 positions on the SSRLUOEC in the following disciplines:

  • Bio Spectroscopy/Bio SAXS (1)
  • Environmental/Geoscience (1)

Members serve a three-year term, with the exception of students who may serve shorter terms and the person elected Chair, who will serve on the committee two additional years to facilitate continuity of SSRLUOEC activities.

How to Vote

Users are encouraged to vote to elect their representatives on the SSRL Users’ Organization Executive Committee by completing the on-line ballot before Monday, October 18.

Candidates are elected by the SSRL user community by majority vote. Election results will be announced at the Users’ Meeting.

All newly elected members begin their term following the Users' Meeting; the next SSRLUOEC meeting will be held on the afternoon of October 19 in the Kavli Auditorium.

Current SSRLUOEC Members
Positions to be filled in for 2010 are denoted with an asterisk (*).

  Member Institution Discipline
  Ben Gilbert LBNL Materials/Chemistry
* Yuji Arai Clemson University Environmental Science
  Leslie Jimison Stanford University Materials Science
Yung-Jin (Joey) Hu LBNL Materials Science
  Katherine Kantardjieff CSU Pomona Macromolecular Crystallography (2009/10 Chair)
  Joe Kline NIST Materials Science
  Aaron Lindenberg Stanford University Ultrafast Science
  Wayne Lukens LBNL Environmental Science (2008/09 Chair)
  Matthew Sazinsky Pomona College Macromolecular Crystallography
  David Singer UC Berkeley  
  Beth Wurzburg Stanford University Macromolecular Crystallography (2010/2011 Chair)
  Junko Jano LBNL Bio Spectroscopy
* Robert Szilagyi Montana State Univ. Biospectroscopy (2007/08 Chair)
  Cathy Knotts SSRL Liaison

Cathy Knotts
2575 Sand Hill Road, SSRL MS 99
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Fax 650-926-3600.