Program Overview

Sunday, October 17

Monday, October 18

Tuesday, October 19

Wednesday, October 20

Detailed Program

Sunday, October 17, 2010
Workshop 1: LCLS Data Analysis Workshop
- Time: (~1-6 pm)
- Location: SLAC ROB Bldg. 48 Redwood Conf. Rooms A&B
- Organizers: Garth Williams, Marc Messerschmidt, Andy Salnikov (SLAC)
1:00 pm Registration / Light Refreshments
1:25 pm Intro - Garth Williams (SLAC)
1:30 pm DAQ Overview/On-line Analysis - Matt Weaver (SLAC)
2:40 pm User Experience: Online Analysis - Elliot Kanter (ANL)
2:55 pm User Experience: On- and Off-Line Experience with Crystallographic Data - Thomas White (CFEL/DESY)
3:30 pm Break
4:00 pm Data Formats/Offline Analysis Tools - Andy Salnikov (SLAC)
4:50 pm User Experience: Offline Analysis - Anton Barty (DESY)
5:25 pm Discussion / Close Out
5:50 pm Reception / Pre-registration in Panofsky Lobby
7:00 pm Adjourn

Sunday, October 17, 2010
Workshop 2: LCLS II Workshop
- Time: (~1-5 pm)
- Location: SLAC ROB Bldg. 48 Redwood Conf. Rooms C&D
- Organizers:  Jerry Hastings (SLAC), Dick Lee (LLNL)
12:30 pm Registration / Light Refreshments
1:00 pm Welcome and Introductions: What is LCLS II? - Jerry Hastings (SLAC)
1:15 pm TBD
1:45 pm Strong Fields in the High Frequency Limit   - Lou DiMauro (Ohio State U.)
2:15 pm Probe and Control Materials Function: The Role of Polarization in Ultrafast Spectroscopy - Hermann Durr (SLAC)
2:45 pm TBD - Bill Weis (Stanford)
3:15 pm Break
3:30 pm Unique Capabilities for Biological Structure Analysis at LCLS  - John Spence (Arizona State U.)
4:00 pm Nanoparticle Structures from Atomic Pair Distribution Function Data - Simon Billinge (Columbia University/BNL)
4:30 pm High Field THz/X-ray Science - Aaron Lindenberg (SLAC)
5:00 pm Discussion / Close Out
5:45 pm Reception / Pre-registration in Panofsky Lobby
7:00 pm Adjourn

Monday, October 18, 2010
LCLS / SSRL Users' Conference Opening & Plenary Sessions
- Location: Panofsky Auditorium
- Organizers: Thomas Earnest (LBNL), Stefan Mannsfeld (SLAC), Garth Williams (SLAC) and Beth Wurzburg (Stanford)
7:00 am Registration / Light Refreshments
8:15 am Introduction by Session Moderator - Thomas Earnest (LBNL)
8:20 am Welcome - Persis Drell (SLAC)
8:40 am LCLS Update - Jo Stohr (SLAC)
9:30 am LCLS UEC Update - Dick Lee (LLNL)
9:50 am Break
10:10 am SSRL Update / Strategic Planning - Piero Pianetta / Chi Chang Kao (SLAC)
11:00 am SSRL UEC Update - Katherine Kantardjieff (Cal Poly Pomona)
11:20 am DOE/BES Perspective - Harriet Kung (DOE)
11:50 am Lunch (participants can purchase food at SLAC Cafe or local restaurant)
Plenary Session
1:00 pm Introduction by Session Moderator - Beth Wurzburg (Stanford University)
1:05 pm Keynote Talk:  Converting Sunlight into Fuels - The Role of Interface Catalysis - Jens Norskov (SLAC/Stanford)
1:45 pm Femtosecond Nanocrystallography, a New Avenue for Structure Determination of Membrane Proteins - Mark Hunter (ASU)
2:15 pm SSRL User Science Highlight: Structural Basis of G-protein Coupled Receptor Activation - Bill Weis (Stanford)
2:45 pm Break
3:00 pm LCLS User Science Highlight :First Resonant Diffraction Experiment at LCLS: Ultrafast Dynamics of the Stripe State in Doped Nickelates   - Wei-Sheng Lee (Stanford)
3:30 pm SSRL User Science Highlight: A Detailed Look at the Structure of Polymer-Fullerene Blends Used in Solar Cells and How it Affects Performance - Michael McGeHee (Stanford)
4:00 pm William E. and Diane M. Spicer Young Investigator Award Presentation and Talk: X-ray Crystallography and Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) Determine the Structure of the Trimeric, Prefusion Ebolavirus Glycoprotein - Jeffrey E. Lee (U. Toronto)
4:30 pm Melvin P. Klein Scientific Development Award Presentation and Talk: Development of Lensless Holographic Methods for Coherent X-ray Imaging - Diling Zhu (Stanford)
5:00 pm User Poster Session / Reception
7:00 pm Dinner
8:00 pm Presentation of Lytle Award, Outstanding Student Poster Awards - Katherine Kantardjieff (Cal Poly Pomona)
8:20 pm Coffee/Dessert
8:40 pm Adjourn

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
LCLS / SSRL Users' Conference Opening & Plenary Sessions (Concurrent Facility Instrumentation & Science Highlights Sessions)
LCLS Facility Instrumentation & Science Highlights
Organizers: Thomas Earnest (LBNL), Garth Williams (SLAC)
Location: Panofsky Auditorium
8:00 am Registration / Light Refreshments
8:25 am Introduction by Session Moderator - Garth Williams (SLAC)
8:30 am AMO: Progress from Run 1 and 2 - John Bozek (SLAC)
9:00 am AMO: Wednesday Workshop Preview - Christoph Bostedt (SLAC)
9:30 am SXR: Updates and Exciting User Science - Bill Schlotter (SLAC)
10:10 am Break
10:30 am XPP Commissioning Update - David Fritz (SLAC)
10:50 am Far Experimental Hall Update (CXI, XCS, MEC Instruments) - Sebastien Boutet (SLAC)
11:30 am Lunch (participants can purchase food at SLAC Cafe or local restaurant)
12:30 pm Introduction by Session Moderator - Thomas Earnest (LBNL)
12:45 pm X-ray Detector Development at LBNL - Peter Denes (LBNL)
1:15 pm SLAC's Detector Program - Gunter Haller (SLAC)
1:45 pm X-ray Detector Needs for LCLS and LCLS II - Garth Williams (SLAC)
2:15 pm New Capabilities & Opportunities with LCLS II - Jerry Hastings (SLAC)
2:45 pm Break
3:00 pm Users' Organization Annual Meeting (Jo Stohr to lead discussion of science opportunities with LCLS II; Uwe Bergmann to provide update on the proposal review process;  other walk-in items or business to be discussed)
5:30 pm Reception (combined SSRL and LCLS Users' Organization Reception in Panofsky Auditorium lobby)
7:00 pm Adjourn
SSRL Facility Instrumentation & Science Highlights
Organizers: Beth Wurzburg (Stanford), Stefan Mannsfeld (SLAC)
Location: Kavli Auditorium
8:00 am Registration / Light Refreshments
8:30 am Welcome and Introductions by Session Moderator - Stefan Mannsfeld (SLAC)
8:35 am SPEAR3 Accelerator Status and Future Plans – James Safranek (SLAC)
9:00 am BL5-4 Photoemission Spectroscopy Update – Donghui Lu (SLAC)
9:25 am Time-resolved Coherent Scattering Experiments at SSRL - Benny Wu (Stanford/SLAC)
9:50 am Advances in Nanoscale Chemical Imaging Techniques Using Full Field Hard X-ray Microscopy at SSRL – Joy Andrews Hayter (SLAC)
10:15 am Break
10:30 am High Resolution Imaging of Heterogeneous Tissues in a Load Bearing Fibrous Joint Sunita Ho (UCSF)
10:55 am Understanding how Li-ion Batteries Operate Using in and ex-situ Synchrotron-based Techniques - Jordan Cabana (LBNL)
11:20 am Effects of Thermal Annealing Upon the Morphology of Polymer/Fullerene Blends - Eric Verploegen (Stanford)
11:45 am Lunch (participants can purchase food at SLAC Cafe or local restaurant)
12:40 pm Introduction by Session Moderator - Beth Wurzburg (Stanford)
12:45 pm Structure and Gating Mechanism of a Bacterial Large-Conductance Mechanosensitive Channel – Zhengfeng Liu (Caltech)
1:10 pm Diversity and Pleomorphism in Prions and Other Amyloids from X-ray Fiber Diffraction Gerald Stubbs (Vanderbilt)
1:35 pm Structure of High Strength Hydrogels for an Artificial Cornea Application by Small-Angle Scattering – Dale Waters (Stanford)
2:00 pm The Biological Oxidation of Methane to Methanol – Rama Balasubramanian (Northwestern)
2:25 pm Fundamental Studies of Fuel Cell Catalysis Using X-rays – Anders Nilsson (SLAC/Stanford)
2:50 pm Break
3:30 pm Users' Organization Annual Meeting
5:30 pm Reception (combined SSRL and LCLS Users' Organization Reception in Panofsky Auditorium lobby)
7:00 pm Adjourn

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Workshop 3: Frontiers in Biology with X-FELs  (BioXFEL)
        (1-1/2 day joint SLAC LCLS/LBNL Workshop)

- Location: Kavli Auditorium
- Organizers: Thomas Earnest (LBNL), Garth Williams (SLAC)
Morning Session, Wednesday, Oct 20 (chaired by Thomas Earnest, LBNL)
8:00 am Registration / Light Refreshments in Kavli Lobby
8:30 am Welcome and Introduction - Thomas Earnest (LBNL), Garth Williams (SLAC)
8:45 am LCLS from 2010 to 2025 - Jerry Hastings (SLAC)
9:15 am A Vision for a Next Generation Light Source - John Corlett (LBNL)
Spectroscopy / Scattering / Biological Water
9:45 am Water and Biological Water - Anders Nilsson (SLAC/Stanford)
10:15 am X-ray Spectroscopy of the Biological Water-Splitting Catalyst - Junko Yano (LBNL)
10:45 am Break
Coherent Imaging
11:15 am 3D Coherent Diffractive Imaging of Biological Specimens - Jianwei Miao (UCLA)
11:45 am Coherent Diffraction Imaging as a Viable Tool for Microscopy - Andrew Peele (La Trobe University)
12:15 pm Biostructure and Dynamics from Random Snapshots - Abbas Ourmazd (U. Wisconsin)
12:45 pm Lunch (participants can purchase food at SLAC Cafe or local restaurant)
Afternoon Session, Wednesday, Oct 20 (chaired by Garth Williams, SLAC)
1:45 pm Femtosecond Coherent Diffraction Imaging - Anton Barty (DESY)
Nanocrystallography / Pump-Probe
2:15 pm Challenges at Low Resolution - Axel Brunger (Stanford)
2:45 pm Ultrafast Dynamics of Biological Macromolecules Using Synchrotron and XFEL Hard X-ray Sources - Keith Moffat (U. Chicago)
3:15 pm Following Ultrafast Structural Changes in Single Molecules - Dilano Saldin (U. Wisconsin)
3:45 pm Break
4:15 pm Exploiting Physics to Visualize Biology on the Chemical Time Scale - Philip Anfinrud (NIH/NIDDK)
4:45 pm Phasing Protein Nanocrystal Data - John Spence (Arizona State U.)
5:15 pm Discussion
Morning Session Thursday, October 21 (chaired by Sebastien Boutet, SLAC)
End Station Instrumentation and Sample Environments
9:00 am Coherent X-ray Imaging of Biological Specimens at SPring-8 -  Changyong Song (RIKEN SPring-8 Center)
9:30 am Injection of Micron-Sized Liquid Streams for BioXFEL Measurements  - Bruce Doak (Arizona State U.)
10:00 am Sample Preparation and Handling for Crystallography at BioXFELs - Mark Hunter (Arizona State U.)
10:30 am Break
11:00 am Aerosols and Electrosprays for Single Particle Coherent X-ray Diffractive Imaging - Christina Hampton (SLAC)
11:30 am Marvin Seibert (SLAC)
12:00 pm The LCLS Duty Cycle and Reducing Sample Consumption for Single Particle Imaging - Michael Bogan (SLAC)
  Wrap-up - Thomas Earnest (LBNL), Garth Williams (SLAC)
Afternoon Session, Thursday, October 21 (led by Mike Bogan, SLAC)
Tour - Bldg. 40
 - Nano/Bio Lab Facilties
 - CAMP Chamber
 - LLNL/SLAC Aerodynamic Focusing Inlet

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Workshop 4: Challenges in Image Processing in Tomographic Data Sets
       (joint SLAC SSRL/LBNL Workshop)

- Location: Panofsky Auditorium
- Organizers: Gerry McDermott  (UCSF), Joy Andrews Hayter (SLAC)
8:30 am Registration / Light Refreshments in Kavli
9:00 am Welcome and Introduction - Joy Andrews Hayter (SLAC)
9:10 am High Throughput Data Collection, Low Throughput Processing - Gerry McDermott (UCSF)
9:45 am Automatic Image Registration, Reconstruction, and Segmentation at the ALS Tomography Beamlines - Dula Parkinson (ALS)
10:30 am Break
10:45 am Structural and Quantitative Analysis of Yeast Cells Using Soft X-ray Tomography - Maho Uchida
11:15 am Inference of Structure in Cryogenic Electron Tomography of Whole Cells - Farshid Moussavi (Stanford)
11:45 am Tomography of Volcanic Pumice: Imaging and Segmentation Challenges for Small Length Scale Features - Rebecca Carey (UC Berkeley)
12:15 pm Lunch (participants can purchase food at SLAC Cafe or local restaurant)
1:00 pm Iterative Reconstruction and Multiple Alignment Tomography Over Several Fields of View - Yijin Liu (SLAC)
1:30 pm Iterative Approaches to Solving the Large Scale Limited-View Parallel Projection Tomography Problem - Greg Boverman (USC)
2:00 pm Full Field 3D Structural Imaging and Elemental Mapping of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electrodes - Wilson Chiu (U. Connecticut)
2:30 pm 2D and 3D XANES Microscopy - Technique and Challenges - Florian Meirer (MiNALab, Trento)
3:00 pm Break
3:15 pm ITK: The Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit - Casey Goodlett (Kitware, Inc.)
3:45 pm Challenges and Advances in 3D Image Segmentation, with Emphasis on Porous Materials - Mike Marsh (VSG)
4:15 pm Discussion: Putting Our Heads Together: How to get the Most of Our Data with the Least Amount of Work
4:45 pm Light Refreshments and Avizo Hands-on

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Workshop 5: High Energy Density Science
- Location: ROB Bldg. 48 Redwood Conference Rooms C&D
- Organizers: Hae Ja Lee (SLAC), Dick Lee (LLNL)
8:30 am Registration / Light Refreshments
8:45 am Welcome and Introductions
9:00 am Matter in Extreme Condition (MEC) Science at SSRL - Dick Lee (LLNL)
9:30 am The MEC Endstation - Hae Ja Lee (SLAC)
10:00 am FDI Experiment at LCLS - Ronny Shepherd (LLNL)
10:45 am Break
11:15 am X-ray Studies of Laser Shocked Nanocrystalline Foils - Justin Wark (Oxford)
12:00 pm Lunch (participants can purchase food at SLAC Cafe or local restaurant)
1:30 pm Nonthermal Dynamics of Strongly Coupled Matter - Dave Riley (Queen's U. Belfast)
2:15 pm Emission Spectroscopy in Warm Dense Aluminum - Phil Heimann (LBNL)
3:00 pm Break
3:30 pm Discussion
4:35 pm Close Out - Hae Ja Lee (SLAC) and Dick Lee (LLNL)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Workshop 6: AMO Science Opportunities and Instrumentation Needs
- Location: Kavli Bldg. 51 3rd Floor Conference Room 305
- Organizers: Norah Berrah (WMU), Christoph Bostedt (SLAC), Daniel Rolles (MPG-ASG; CFEL)
8:30 am Registration / Light Refreshments/Welcome and Introductions - Nora Berrah (WMU)
9:00 am High Intensity, Soft X-ray Science and Future Instrument Needs - Christoph Bostedt (SLAC)
9:30 am Outline of 2nd Generation AMO Instrumentation I - Daniel Rolles (MPG-ASG; CFEL)
10:00 am Status of the 2nd Generation Instrumentation II - Timur Osipov (WMU)
10:30 am Break
11:00 am pnCCD Performance and Operation of Imaging - Sascha Epp (MPG-ASG; CFEL)
11:30 am X-ray Split and Delay - Brendan Murphy (WMU)
12:00 pm Lunch (participants can purchase food at SLAC Cafe or local restaurant)
1:00 pm

Round Table Discussion: Anyone is invited to present 1-2 slides with their instrument needs supported by scientific motivation (Moderators: Christoph Bostedt, Joachim Ullrich, Nora Berrah, John Bozek)

5:00 pm Adjourn

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Workshop 7: SXR Science and Opportunities
- Location: ROB Bldg. 48 Redwood Conference Rooms A&B
- Organizer: Joshua Turner (SLAC)
9:00 am Registration / Light Refreshments/Welcome - Joshua Turner (SLAC)
9:10 am SXR Overview - Bill Schlotter (SLAC)
Endstation Opportunities and First Results
9:30 am Surface Chemistry - Hirohito Ogasawara (SSRL)
10:00 am Coherent Magnetic Imaging - Andreas Scherz (SLAC)
10:30 am Break
10:45 am Liquid Phase X-ray Femtochemistry with Time-resolved RIXS - Philippe Wernet (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin)
11:15 am Electron Beam Ion Trap - José R. Crespo López-Urrutia (Max Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg)  
11:45 am Resonant Diffraction - Yi-De Chuang (Advanced Light Source, LBNL)
12:15 pm Lunch (participants can purchase food at SLAC Cafe or local restaurant)
First Scientific Results
1:30 pm Ultrafast Timing - Mariano Trigo (SLAC)
2:00 pm Transverse Coherence Measurements at LCLS (Ivan Vartaniants, DESY)
2:30 pm Exotic States of Matter - Bob Nagler (SLAC)
3:00 pm Break
3:15 pm Ultrafast Melting of Charge-Orbital Order - Hermann Durr (SLAC)
3:45 pm Magnetic Dynamics in CuO - Steve Johnson (Swiss Light Source)
4:15 pm Discussion
5:30 pm Close Out

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Workshop 8: Developing Strategies, Preparing and Getting the Most from Macromolecular Crystallography Experiments
- Location: SSRL Bldg. 137 3rd Floor Conference Room
- Organizers: Clyde Smith (SLAC), Beth Wurzburg (Stanford)
8:30 am Registration / Light Refreshments
9:00 am Introduction - Clyde Smith (SLAC)                                                                                     
9:15 am Data Collection Strategy - Ana Gonzalez (SLAC)
9:45 am Data Analysis and Processing - Katherine Kantardjieff (Cal State Pomona)
10:15 am Break
10:45 am Structure Solution - Paul Adams (LBNL)
11:30 am Sulfur Phasing at BL12-2 - Tzanko Doukov (SLAC)
12:00 pm Structure Analysis - Bernhard Rupp (k. k. Hofkristallamt)
12:45 pm Lunch (participants can purchase food at SLAC Cafe or local restaurant)
2:00 pm Practical (if possible, attendees should bring their own laptops for this session) - Clyde Smith (SLAC)                                   
4:30 pm Adjourn