
Register to attend the Annual LCLS/SSRL Users' Meeting and Workshops by October 8, when early registration ends.



A limited number of rooms are available at the Guest House.  (block held in reserve for this event until 9/16)


October 8, 2010 is the deadline for submitting your poster abstract.
Participate in SSRL UOEC! We are currently soliciting nominations for seven positions.
Participate in LCLS UOEC! We are currently soliciting nominations for four positions.
LCLS/SSRL long ($20) and short sleeve ($15) shirts will be available for purchase at the conference.
Main Image
2010 LCLS / SSRL Annual Users’ Meeting & Workshops
Menlo Park, CA, USA
October 17-21, 2010

This annual event is a valuable opportunity to learn about the latest plans, new developments and exciting user research at LCLS and SSRL. It is also a great time to interact with other scientists, potential colleagues, and vendors of light source related products and services. Jens Norskov who recently joined SLAC and Stanford to lead a new initiative in catalysis and interfacial science will give the keynote talk on "Converting sunlight into fuels -- the role of interface catalysis"

Two workshops are planned for October 17:

  • LCLS Data Analysis
  • LCLS II Forum

On October 20, several concurrent workshops will be held:

  • Frontiers in Biology  with XFELs (Joint ALS/SSRL, October 20-21)
  • Challenges in Image Processing in Tomographic Data Sets (Joint ALS/SSRL)
  • High Energy Density Science
  • AMO Science Opportunities and Instrumentation Needs
  • SXR Science and Opportunities
  • Developing Strategies, Preparing and Getting the Most from Macromolecular Crystallography

Encourage your colleagues, particularly students, to submit a poster to present their latest research results at the annual users conference. Students who submit an abstract for the Outstanding Student Poster Competition on October 18 receive a free dinner evening (immediately following the users' conference poster session) and are also eligible to compete for the $100 prizes to be awarded.

Reserve accommodations at the Guest House by 9/16/10 and specify SSRL/LCLS/SLAC to take advantage of discounted rates.

Register to attend the Annual LCLS/SSRL Users' Meeting and Workshops by October 8, when early registration ends.