Payment Options
Advance payment of the registration and meal fees is encouraged and will save you time at registration, although payment will be accepted on-site. You may pay by check, cash, traveler's check, or credit card (Visa or MasterCard only) at the on-site registration desk.
To Prepay by Personal Check, Institutional Check, Traveler's Check, or Money Order
Personal checks, institutional checks, traveler’s checks and money orders must be drawn, in US dollars, on a US bank and made payable to Stanford University.
If you are paying by check for someone else's fees or if you are paying for more than one registrant, please send an e-mail with the names of registrant to Cathy Knotts. Payments by Check should be sent to:
Cathy Knotts
Manager, SSRL User Research Administration
2575 Sand Hill Road, SLAC MS 99
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Tel. 650-926-3191
Fax. 650-926-3600
To Prepay by SECURE Credit Card Payment
We accept VISA and MasterCard credit cards. To pay by credit card you will be directed to a secure (https) order form managed by eCommerce@Stanford and VeriSign Corporation. The secured payment form for SLAC-sponsored conferences and events will display "Stanford Linear Accelerator Center" at the top. Under "Order Info", the Description area will include exactly what you have selected. At the on-site registration, PROOF OF PRIOR PAYMENT or payment of registration fees will be required.