List of Submitted Abstracts
Below is a list of submitted abstracts. If you have any questions or comments regarding to your abstract(s), please contact us or email to Lisa Dunn or Cathy Knotts.
Presenter | Code | Abstract Title | Category | Details |
Miller, Daniel | P-MAT-13* | In Situ X-ray Spectroscopy Reveals Fingerprints of Surface Platinum Oxide | Materials Science | details |
Miao, John | W3-Miao | 3D Coherent Diffractive Imaging of Biological Specimens | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
McGehee, Michael | UM-P-McGehee | A Detailed Look at the Structure of Polymer-Fullerene Blends Used in Solar Cells and How it Affects Performance | Materials Science | details |
Hampton, Christina | P-UFS-02 | A Modular, Portable and Motorized Re-entrant Aerodynamic Focusing Inlet for Single Particle Coherent Diffractive Imaging | Ultrafast Science | details |
Corlett, John | W3-Corlett | A Vision for a Next Generation Light Source | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Meirer, Florian | P-I&D-02; | Advancements in Hard X-ray TXM: XANES Mapping and Large Volume Tomography at Sub-100nm Resolution | Instrumentation/Development | details |
Pianetta, Piero | P-I&D-03; | Advances in Nanoscale Chemical Imaging Techniques Using Full Field Hard X-ray Microscopy at SSRL | Instrumentation/Development | details |
Hampton, Christina | W3-Hampton | Aerosols and Electrosprays for Single Particle Coherent X-ray Diffractive Imaging | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Bettinger, Joanna | P-MAT-01* | Anomalous X-ray Diffraction Studies of Novel Transparent Conducting Spinel Oxides | Materials Science | details |
Vishik, Inna | P-MAT-10* | ARPES Studies on Bi-2212: Interplay Between Superconductivity and the Pseudogap | Materials Science | details |
Liu, Zhongkai | P-Mat-17* | ARPES Study on the Electronic Structure of FeSexTe1-x | Materials Science | details |
Seyfferth, Angelia | P-ENV-06* | Arsenic Localization, Speciation, and Co-occurrence with Fe on Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Roots with Variable Fe Plaque Coatings | Environmental Science | details |
Ourmazd, Abbas | W3-Ourmazd | Biostructure and Dynamics from Random Snapshots | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Brunger, Axel | W3-Brunger | Challenges at Low Resolution | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Blank, Michael | P-BIO-01* | Characterization of Isolated Nitrogenase FeVco | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Peele, Andrew | W3-Peele | Coherent Diffraction Imaging as a Viable Tool for Microscopy | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Wang, Fenglin | P-UFS-06 | Coherent Diffraction Imaging of Xenon Clusters with Soft X-ray Free-Electron Laser | Ultrafast Science | details |
Song, Changyong | W3-Song | Coherent X-ray Imaging of Biological Specimens at SPring-8 | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Wilson, Samuel | P-BIO-12* | Definition of the Intermediates and Mechanism of the Anti-Cancer Drug Bleomycin Using XAS, NRVS, and Related Methods | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Kroll, Thomas | P-MAT-14* | Determination of the Spin and Orbital Ground State of Transition Metal Phthalocyanines | Materials Science | details |
Ying, Samantha | P-ENV-02* | Determining the Distribution of Fe and Mn in Various Cambodian Soils Using Micro- and Meso- X-ray Fluorescence Mapping | Environmental Science | details |
Tsai, Yingssu | P-BIO-09* | Development of an Automated Structure Solution Pipeline with RestFlow | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Cismasu, Cristina | P-ENV-04* | Effects of Al and Si on the Structural Aspects of Natural and Synthetic Ferrihydrite | Environmental Science | details |
Verploegen, Eric | UM-S-Verploegen | Effects of Thermal Annealing Upon the Morphology of Polymer/Fullerene Blends | Materials Science | details |
Verploegen, Eric | P-MAT-11 | Effects of Thermal Annealing Upon the Morphology of Polymer/Fullerene Blends | Materials Science | details |
Lundberg, Marcus | P-BIO-11* | Electronic Structure of Iron Enzymes and Models from Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Anfinrud, Philip | W3-Anfinrud | Exploiting Physics to Visualize Biology on the Chemical Time Scale | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Boutet, Sebastien | UM-L-Boutet | Far Experimental Hall Update | Instrumentation/Development | details |
Barty, Anton | W3-Barty | Femtosecond Coherent Diffraction Imaging | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Hunter, Mark | UM-P-Hunter | Femtosecond Nanocrystallography, a New Avenue for Structure Determination of Membrane Proteins | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
White, Thomas | P-BIO-06 | Femtosecond Protein Crystallography | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Graves, Catherine | P-I&D-05;* | First Experiments with and Capabilities of the Resonant Coherent Imaging Endstation at LCLS | Instrumentation/Development | details |
Saldin, Dilano | W3-Saldiin | Following Ultrafast Structural Changes in Single Molecules | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Mathews, Irimpan | P-BIO-02 | Functional Significance of Mutations in Flavin-Dependent Thymidylate Synthase | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Doak, R. Bruce | W3-Doak | Injectors of Micron-Sized Liquid Streams for BioXFEL Measurements | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Misra, Sumohan | P-MAT-09 | Inorganic Photovoltaics: Anomalous X-ray Diffraction | Materials Science | details |
Hastings, Jerry | W3-Hastings | LCLS from 2010 to 2025 | Instrumentation/Development | details |
Sun, Steven | P-MAT-03 | Li Adsorption on GaAs(100) Surface and Its Diffusion into GaAs | Materials Science | details |
Chesnel, Karine | P-MAT-04 | Mapping Spatial Dependency of Magnetic Domain Memory by Speckle Correlation Metrology | Materials Science | details |
Chen, Yulin | P-MAT-18 | Massive Dirac Fermion on the Surface of a Magnetically Doped Topological Insulator | Materials Science | details |
Bibee, Matthew | P-MAT-07* | Measuring the Quality of Strain-Engineered Thin Films with X-ray Diffraction | Materials Science | details |
Weis, Bill | UM-P-Weis | Mechanism of GPCR Activation | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Szilagyi, Robert | P-MAT-06 | Multi-edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopic Investigation of Activated Iron-Sulfur Mineral Surfaces | Materials Science | details |
Toney, Michael | P-MAT-16 (C. Miller) | Nanophase Segregation of Bulk Heterojunctions in Organic Photovoltaics | Materials Science | details |
Moritz, Brian | P-UFS-07 | Nonequilibrium Correlated Electrons: Time-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy | Ultrafast Science | details |
Hashimoto, Makoto | P-MAT-12 | Particle-hole symmetry breaking in Bi2201 | Materials Science | details |
Spence, John | W3-Spence | Phasing Protein Nanocrystal Data | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Schwede, Jared | P-MAT-05* | Photon-Enhanced Thermionic Emission for Solar Concentrator Systems | Materials Science | details |
Sorini, Adam | P-MAT-08* | Pressure Induced High-Spin to Low-Spin Transition in Hematite | Materials Science | details |
Williams, Gareth | P-UFS-05 | Proposed Method of Probing of WDM with X-rays | Ultrafast Science | details |
Liu, Yijin | P-I&D-01; | Quantitative Information Extraction from Zernike-Type X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging System | Instrumentation/Development | details |
Voronin, Alexey | P-BIO-03 | Radiation Damage in Lysozyme Crystals at Various pH Levels | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Loh, Duane | P-BIO-10* | Reconstructing 3D Fourier Intensities from Experimental, Single-Shot, 2D Diffraction Patterns of Unmeasured Orientations. | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Starodub, Dmitri | P-BIO-04 | Reconstruction of the Electron Density of Molecules with Single-Axis Alignment | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Rossi-Albertini, Valerio | registry cleaner | Bio/Life Sciences | details | |
Hunter, Mark | W3-Hunter | Sample Preparation and Handling for Crystallography at BioXFELs | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Frank, Patrick | P-BIO-05 | Shards of an Ancient Deathstar: Sulfur in a Recovered Roman Ram | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Martin, Andrew | P-UFS-04 | Single Particle Imaging of Biological Samples and Nanoparticles at LCLS | Ultrafast Science | details |
Bogan, Mike | P-UFS-01 | Single-Shot Femtosecond X-ray Diffraction from Identical Ellipsoidal Nanoparticles in Unknown Random Orientations | Ultrafast Science | details |
Shah, Santosh | P-UFS-08 | Structural and Functional Studies of Nucleases: SgrAI and Mk0566 | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Stubbs, Gerald | UM-S-Stubbs | Structural Studies of Prions and Other Amyloids by X-ray Diffraction | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Qayyum, Munzarin | P-BIO-08* | Structural Studies on Heme-Copper Complexes | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Liu, Zhenfeng | UM-S-Zhenfeng | Structure and Gating Mechanism of a Bacterial Large-Conductance Mechanosensitive Channel | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Waters, Dale | UM-S-Waters | Structure of High Strength Hydrogels for an Artificial Cornea Application by Small-Angle Scattering | Materials Science | details |
Yi, Ming | P-MAT-15* | Symmetry Breaking Orbital Anisotropy on Detwinned Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 Above the Spin Density Wave Transition | Materials Science | details |
Balasubramanian, Ramakrishnan (Rama) | UM-S-Balasub ramanian | The Biological Oxidation of Methane to Methanol | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Bogan, Mike | W3-Bogan | The LCLS Duty Cycle and Reducing Sample Consumption for Single Particle Imaging | Instrumentation/Development | details |
Chen, Cheng-Chien | P-MAT-02* | The Physics of Coupled Spin-Orbital Degrees of Freedom and Iron Pnictides | Materials Science | details |
Sobota, Jonathan | P-I&D-06;* | Time- and Angle- Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy | Instrumentation/Development | details |
Moffat, Keith | W3-Moffat | Ultrafast Dynamics of Biological Macromolecules Using Synchrotron and XFEL Hard X-ray Sources | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Sierra, Raymond | P-UFS-03 | Ultrafast X-ray Snapshots of Aerosol Morphology and Chemical Composition | Ultrafast Science | details |
Stubbs, Joanne | P-ENV-05 | UO2 Surface Structures | Environmental Science | details |
Massey, Michael | P-ENV-01* | Uranium Reduction and Structural Incorporation into Iron Oxides: Competing Sequestration Pathways Under Reducing Conditions | Environmental Science | details |
Nilsson, Anders | W3-Nilsson | Water and Biological Water | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Denes, Peter | UM-L-Denes | X-ray Detector Development at LBNL | Instrumentation/Development | details |
Kern, Jan | P-BIO-07 | X-ray Emission Spectroscopy on the Mn4Ca Cluster in Photosystem II and Related Model Compounds | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Thiess, Helge | P-I&D-04; | X-ray Mirrors from Carl Zeiss Laser Optics for the Linear Coherent Light Source (LCLS) | Instrumentation/Development | details |
Yano, Junko | W3-Yano | X-ray Spectroscopy of the Biological Water-Splitting Catalyst | Bio/Life Sciences | details |
Lytle, Farrel | P-ENV-03 | XRF Micro-Images OF Desert Varnish Identify Time, Climate and Geomorphic Transitions | Environmental Science | details |