List of Submitted Abstracts

Below is a list of submitted abstracts.  If you have any questions or comments regarding to your abstract(s), please contact us or email to Lisa Dunn or Cathy Knotts.

Presenter Code Abstract Title Category Details
Miller, Daniel P-MAT-13* In Situ X-ray Spectroscopy Reveals Fingerprints of Surface Platinum Oxide Materials Science details
Miao, John W3-Miao 3D Coherent Diffractive Imaging of Biological Specimens Bio/Life Sciences details
McGehee, Michael UM-P-McGehee A Detailed Look at the Structure of Polymer-Fullerene Blends Used in Solar Cells and How it Affects Performance Materials Science details
Hampton, Christina P-UFS-02 A Modular, Portable and Motorized Re-entrant Aerodynamic Focusing Inlet for Single Particle Coherent Diffractive Imaging Ultrafast Science details
Corlett, John W3-Corlett A Vision for a Next Generation Light Source Bio/Life Sciences details
Meirer, Florian P-I&D-02; Advancements in Hard X-ray TXM: XANES Mapping and Large Volume Tomography at Sub-100nm Resolution Instrumentation/Development details
Pianetta, Piero P-I&D-03; Advances in Nanoscale Chemical Imaging Techniques Using Full Field Hard X-ray Microscopy at SSRL Instrumentation/Development details
Hampton, Christina W3-Hampton Aerosols and Electrosprays for Single Particle Coherent X-ray Diffractive Imaging Bio/Life Sciences details
Bettinger, Joanna P-MAT-01* Anomalous X-ray Diffraction Studies of Novel Transparent Conducting Spinel Oxides Materials Science details
Vishik, Inna P-MAT-10* ARPES Studies on Bi-2212: Interplay Between Superconductivity and the Pseudogap Materials Science details
Liu, Zhongkai P-Mat-17* ARPES Study on the Electronic Structure of FeSexTe1-x Materials Science details
Seyfferth, Angelia P-ENV-06* Arsenic Localization, Speciation, and Co-occurrence with Fe on Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Roots with Variable Fe Plaque Coatings Environmental Science details
Ourmazd, Abbas W3-Ourmazd Biostructure and Dynamics from Random Snapshots Bio/Life Sciences details
Brunger, Axel W3-Brunger Challenges at Low Resolution Bio/Life Sciences details
Blank, Michael P-BIO-01* Characterization of Isolated Nitrogenase FeVco Bio/Life Sciences details
Peele, Andrew W3-Peele Coherent Diffraction Imaging as a Viable Tool for Microscopy Bio/Life Sciences details
Wang, Fenglin P-UFS-06 Coherent Diffraction Imaging of Xenon Clusters with Soft X-ray Free-Electron Laser Ultrafast Science details
Song, Changyong W3-Song Coherent X-ray Imaging of Biological Specimens at SPring-8 Bio/Life Sciences details
Wilson, Samuel P-BIO-12* Definition of the Intermediates and Mechanism of the Anti-Cancer Drug Bleomycin Using XAS, NRVS, and Related Methods Bio/Life Sciences details
Kroll, Thomas P-MAT-14* Determination of the Spin and Orbital Ground State of Transition Metal Phthalocyanines Materials Science details
Ying, Samantha P-ENV-02* Determining the Distribution of Fe and Mn in Various Cambodian Soils Using Micro- and Meso- X-ray Fluorescence Mapping Environmental Science details
Tsai, Yingssu P-BIO-09* Development of an Automated Structure Solution Pipeline with RestFlow Bio/Life Sciences details
Cismasu, Cristina P-ENV-04* Effects of Al and Si on the Structural Aspects of Natural and Synthetic Ferrihydrite Environmental Science details
Verploegen, Eric UM-S-Verploegen Effects of Thermal Annealing Upon the Morphology of Polymer/Fullerene Blends Materials Science details
Verploegen, Eric P-MAT-11 Effects of Thermal Annealing Upon the Morphology of Polymer/Fullerene Blends Materials Science details
Lundberg, Marcus P-BIO-11* Electronic Structure of Iron Enzymes and Models from Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering Bio/Life Sciences details
Anfinrud, Philip W3-Anfinrud Exploiting Physics to Visualize Biology on the Chemical Time Scale Bio/Life Sciences details
Boutet, Sebastien UM-L-Boutet Far Experimental Hall Update Instrumentation/Development details
Barty, Anton W3-Barty Femtosecond Coherent Diffraction Imaging Bio/Life Sciences details
Hunter, Mark UM-P-Hunter Femtosecond Nanocrystallography, a New Avenue for Structure Determination of Membrane Proteins Bio/Life Sciences details
White, Thomas P-BIO-06 Femtosecond Protein Crystallography Bio/Life Sciences details
Graves, Catherine P-I&D-05;* First Experiments with and Capabilities of the Resonant Coherent Imaging Endstation at LCLS Instrumentation/Development details
Saldin, Dilano W3-Saldiin Following Ultrafast Structural Changes in Single Molecules Bio/Life Sciences details
Mathews, Irimpan P-BIO-02 Functional Significance of Mutations in Flavin-Dependent Thymidylate Synthase Bio/Life Sciences details
Doak, R. Bruce W3-Doak Injectors of Micron-Sized Liquid Streams for BioXFEL Measurements Bio/Life Sciences details
Misra, Sumohan P-MAT-09 Inorganic Photovoltaics: Anomalous X-ray Diffraction Materials Science details
Hastings, Jerry W3-Hastings LCLS from 2010 to 2025 Instrumentation/Development details
Sun, Steven P-MAT-03 Li Adsorption on GaAs(100) Surface and Its Diffusion into GaAs Materials Science details
Chesnel, Karine P-MAT-04 Mapping Spatial Dependency of Magnetic Domain Memory by Speckle Correlation Metrology Materials Science details
Chen, Yulin P-MAT-18 Massive Dirac Fermion on the Surface of a Magnetically Doped Topological Insulator Materials Science details
Bibee, Matthew P-MAT-07* Measuring the Quality of Strain-Engineered Thin Films with X-ray Diffraction Materials Science details
Weis, Bill UM-P-Weis Mechanism of GPCR Activation Bio/Life Sciences details
Szilagyi, Robert P-MAT-06 Multi-edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopic Investigation of Activated Iron-Sulfur Mineral Surfaces Materials Science details
Toney, Michael P-MAT-16 (C. Miller) Nanophase Segregation of Bulk Heterojunctions in Organic Photovoltaics Materials Science details
Moritz, Brian P-UFS-07 Nonequilibrium Correlated Electrons: Time-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy Ultrafast Science details
Hashimoto, Makoto P-MAT-12 Particle-hole symmetry breaking in Bi2201 Materials Science details
Spence, John W3-Spence Phasing Protein Nanocrystal Data Bio/Life Sciences details
Schwede, Jared P-MAT-05* Photon-Enhanced Thermionic Emission for Solar Concentrator Systems Materials Science details
Sorini, Adam P-MAT-08* Pressure Induced High-Spin to Low-Spin Transition in Hematite Materials Science details
Williams, Gareth P-UFS-05 Proposed Method of Probing of WDM with X-rays Ultrafast Science details
Liu, Yijin P-I&D-01; Quantitative Information Extraction from Zernike-Type X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging System Instrumentation/Development details
Voronin, Alexey P-BIO-03 Radiation Damage in Lysozyme Crystals at Various pH Levels Bio/Life Sciences details
Loh, Duane P-BIO-10* Reconstructing 3D Fourier Intensities from Experimental, Single-Shot, 2D Diffraction Patterns of Unmeasured Orientations. Bio/Life Sciences details
Starodub, Dmitri P-BIO-04 Reconstruction of the Electron Density of Molecules with Single-Axis Alignment Bio/Life Sciences details
Rossi-Albertini, Valerio registry cleaner Bio/Life Sciences details
Hunter, Mark W3-Hunter Sample Preparation and Handling for Crystallography at BioXFELs Bio/Life Sciences details
Frank, Patrick P-BIO-05 Shards of an Ancient Deathstar: Sulfur in a Recovered Roman Ram Bio/Life Sciences details
Martin, Andrew P-UFS-04 Single Particle Imaging of Biological Samples and Nanoparticles at LCLS Ultrafast Science details
Bogan, Mike P-UFS-01 Single-Shot Femtosecond X-ray Diffraction from Identical Ellipsoidal Nanoparticles in Unknown Random Orientations Ultrafast Science details
Shah, Santosh P-UFS-08 Structural and Functional Studies of Nucleases: SgrAI and Mk0566 Bio/Life Sciences details
Stubbs, Gerald UM-S-Stubbs Structural Studies of Prions and Other Amyloids by X-ray Diffraction Bio/Life Sciences details
Qayyum, Munzarin P-BIO-08* Structural Studies on Heme-Copper Complexes Bio/Life Sciences details
Liu, Zhenfeng UM-S-Zhenfeng Structure and Gating Mechanism of a Bacterial Large-Conductance Mechanosensitive Channel Bio/Life Sciences details
Waters, Dale UM-S-Waters Structure of High Strength Hydrogels for an Artificial Cornea Application by Small-Angle Scattering Materials Science details
Yi, Ming P-MAT-15* Symmetry Breaking Orbital Anisotropy on Detwinned Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 Above the Spin Density Wave Transition Materials Science details
Balasubramanian, Ramakrishnan (Rama) UM-S-Balasub ramanian The Biological Oxidation of Methane to Methanol Bio/Life Sciences details
Bogan, Mike W3-Bogan The LCLS Duty Cycle and Reducing Sample Consumption for Single Particle Imaging Instrumentation/Development details
Chen, Cheng-Chien P-MAT-02* The Physics of Coupled Spin-Orbital Degrees of Freedom and Iron Pnictides Materials Science details
Sobota, Jonathan P-I&D-06;* Time- and Angle- Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy Instrumentation/Development details
Moffat, Keith W3-Moffat Ultrafast Dynamics of Biological Macromolecules Using Synchrotron and XFEL Hard X-ray Sources Bio/Life Sciences details
Sierra, Raymond P-UFS-03 Ultrafast X-ray Snapshots of Aerosol Morphology and Chemical Composition Ultrafast Science details
Stubbs, Joanne P-ENV-05 UO2 Surface Structures Environmental Science details
Massey, Michael P-ENV-01* Uranium Reduction and Structural Incorporation into Iron Oxides: Competing Sequestration Pathways Under Reducing Conditions Environmental Science details
Nilsson, Anders W3-Nilsson Water and Biological Water Bio/Life Sciences details
Denes, Peter UM-L-Denes X-ray Detector Development at LBNL Instrumentation/Development details
Kern, Jan P-BIO-07 X-ray Emission Spectroscopy on the Mn4Ca Cluster in Photosystem II and Related Model Compounds Bio/Life Sciences details
Thiess, Helge P-I&D-04; X-ray Mirrors from Carl Zeiss Laser Optics for the Linear Coherent Light Source (LCLS) Instrumentation/Development details
Yano, Junko W3-Yano X-ray Spectroscopy of the Biological Water-Splitting Catalyst Bio/Life Sciences details
Lytle, Farrel P-ENV-03 XRF Micro-Images OF Desert Varnish Identify Time, Climate and Geomorphic Transitions Environmental Science details