Poster Session
Please submit poster abstracts by October 8. Posters will be displayed throughout the meeting and will be highlighted during a poster session on Monday, October 18. Users presenting posters must register for the Users' Meeting. Abstracts can be submitted online or sent to Lisa Dunn as an email attachment.
Each poster will be assigned a poster number corresponding to easels in the tent display area. Posters submitted later than October 8th may only be accepted on a space available basis.
Posters will be assigned space on a 48" x 48" cork board on which diagrams, graphs, data, pictures and a small amount of text may be mounted (see poster preparation tips below). Poster authors will be expected to be present with their poster during the poster session on Monday afternoon. A reception will be held in conjunction with the poster session; dinner will follow.
Student Poster Competition
Students are eligible for and are encouraged to compete for prizes for outstanding posters. All students who wish to participate in this competition must be registered for the Users' Meeting. Prizes, which will be awarded in several categories, will include a certificate and a $100 award. Representatives of the SSRL Users' Organization will judge posters during the poster session, and prizes for outstanding posters will be presented during the meeting. Students presenting posters should register for dinner, if interested, and the cost of the awards dinner will be waived for students presenting posters.
Posters should be set up between 7:30 am and 4:45 pm on Monday, October 18. Authors are expected to remain with their posters during the poster session. Authors are responsible for retrieving their posters no later than 1 pm on Wednesday, October 20. After that time, abandoned posters will be discarded.
Poster Preparation Tips
Posters will be displayed throughout the meeting, so they should be easily understood in the absence of the author(s). The content of each poster should be clearly divided into sections including introduction, experimental aim (or problem definition), work summary, results, and conclusions. Diagrams, graphs, data, pictures and a small amount of text may be mounted on the 48" x 48" cork board which we will provide. Push pins will be provided for mounting materials. No audiovisual equipment is available. Poster authors may make copies of their posters or papers available to participants.
Legibility - The poster should be readable from a distance of at least 5'. Suggested sizes are a minimum graph size of 10" (25 cm), section heading letters of 3/4" (2 cm), and text and figure lettering not less than 3/8" (1 cm).
Heading - A heading label including the title, author name(s), and the address of the primary author(s) should be included. The recommended lettering size is 1-3/16" (3 cm). This should be mounted at the top of the poster board.
Titles - All figures and tables should be titled.
Dimensions - The entire size of the poster material(s) is limited to 48" x 48".
For more information about posters or abstracts, please contact Lisa Dunn.