Discussion Boards - Alumni Login Required
Remember to post to a board by email, you need to subscribe to the board (group discussion boards, and independent discussion boards).
How to Use All Discussion Boards
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Discussion Boards Available to Alumni
Note: Alumni login required to view discussion boards.
- GSB Chapter/Regional Group Discussion Boards
Domestic and International (60) - GSB Class Group Discussion Boards
MBA, Sloan, PhD, SEP, and MBA Women Class sites 1977 - 2013 (211) - GSB Diversity Group Discussion Boards
Women, Black, Hispanic, Pride, Asian, Jewish, Latin American, South Asian (14) - GSB Interest/Affinity Group Discussion Boards
JD/MBAs, Military, Social Innovation, Chapter Officers, Class Secretaries (7) - GSB Career and Business
Biz Advice, Biz News, Family Business ...(8) - GSB Industry
Entrepreneurs, HiTech, Private Equity, VC ...(21) - GSB Interests
Arts, Dogs, Golfers, Home Parents, Rental Exchange, Wine ...(7) - GSB Classifieds and Special Interests by Region
Regional Classifieds, Parent Resources, Rentals/Real Estate ...(5) - Search All GSB Groups
Alumni or Student created groups also have discussion boards
Discussion Board Email Addresses
Board subscribers can post to the boards by sending an email to the board's email address .
Subscribe or Unsubscribe
Remember for a group's discussion board, you will first need to join the group before subscribing. For boards not in a group, no pre-membership is required.
Why Subscribe to a Board?
Only subscribers can post and get board postings by email. Remember to set your delivery preferences to choose between immediate delivery or a daily, or weekly digest.
How to Subscribe
First review your email addresses in "My Profile". Then go to the GSB Discussion Boards home page and select the blue "Subscribe to Boards" button.
Post to the Discussion Boards
Anytime you post to a GSB alumni discussion board, either through the website or by email, all subscribers to that board will get an email of the posting. Remember that most alumni are subscribed to multiple boards so we suggest that you post your message to one or two boards at a time. Then, if over the following week, you don't get the desired responses from your posting, then consider posting to an additional board.
Using Email
Subscribers can post to the boards by sending an email to the board's email address .
- Emails to the board email address create a "New Post" on the board website and generate an email message to all board subscribers.
From the Website
Log into GSB Discussion Boards, and choose the board that best describes your interest or need. Select the blue "New Post" button.
- "New Posts" on the website generate an email message to board subscribers.
- Formatting Posts
The post title will be the subject of the email version of your post. We recommend if copying your content from another source (word, or other emails), you put it into notepad or wordpad first so it is converted to text and strips out any hidden code that can create problems with your post. - Remember to select the "Submit" button to post to the board.
Reply to Postings
Using Email
Subscribers can reply to the boards by sending an email to the board's email address .
- "Reply" to the email and only the sender will receive your response, and your response WILL NOT be posted to the Discussion Board website.
- "Reply All" to the email, and the sender and all subscribers will receive your response. Your response will be posted to the Discussion Board.
From the Website
When Replying to a Post on the Discussion Board Website
- "Reply" to a post on the website will also generate an email to all subscribers.
- If you only want to reply to the alum who wrote the "Post," click on the poster's name at the bottom of the posting to go to their profile. Under "Actions" choose "Send a Message."
Setting Preferences
You can choose board by board immediate delivery, daily, or weekly digest.
- Review your subscriptions settings using the link in the left-hand navigation
"My Profile/Privacy/Preferences/Discussion Boards" - We recommend you set your class board to deliver messages " immediately" so you don't miss out on timely information from your class secretary about Magazine News and Note deadlines and reunion information.
Search across all GSB Discussion Boards by key words to find a past discussion. You do not need to remember the specific board when looking for a past discussion, and you can narrow your search to a specific board.
- Compilations
Alumni have communicated loud and clear that they love compilations! So feel free to offer to compile responses and post them to the discussion board. - We Suggest You Post Your Message to One or Two Boards
Anytime you post to a Discussion Board, either through the website or by email, all subscribers to that board will get an email of the posting and most alumni are subscribed to multiple boards. If over the following week, you don't get the desired responses from your posting, then consider posting to another board. - What About Attachments?
Attachments cannot be posted to the Discussion Board. We suggest you copy the contents of the attachment into the email response. - Alumni Have Requested You Remember
Post questions and information that benefit alumni directly, not friends and family. Board postings shouldn't promote personal business or special interests (fundraising, political, non-profits, etc.) because alumni view such postings as inappropriate. More Details
Need a Discussion Board Not Listed?
Before you request a new board make sure there isn't a group that meets this need. See Groups
For additional discussion boards, contact Barbara Daines or call +1-650-723-5207.
Related Links
- Discussion Board Usage Policy and Guidelines
- Discussion Board Help
- Discussion Board Email Addresses
- GSB Groups
- Alumni Directories
- Alumni Webmail