GSB Groups
Over 200 Chapter, Regional, Class, and Interests Groups for Alumni and Students
Whether your passion is the environment, media, golf, or animals, many alumni and students share your interest. Join one or more of the 200 official GSB class, chapter, or diversity groups. Or start your own group and invite others to join. On each group share ideas, discuss hot topics using the group's discussion board, post pictures, exchange documents, and start a blog. Join as many as you'd like.
If you don't find the group(s) you want, start your own using this quick start guide.
Quick-Start Guide to Set Up a GSB Alumni/Student Group
- 1. Does It Already Exist?
- 2. Define Your Group
- 3. Your Role as Group Administrator
- 4. Group Setup
Before You Set Up a Group Find Out if it Already Exists
Two "Types" of Groups for Alumni and Students - Official and Alumni-Created GroupsThe Stanford Business School Alumni Association and Stanford Alumni Association provides a number of official groups and clubs, allowing alumni to affiliate by region, diversity, interest/affinity, professionally, and class year. FIRST - Review the Lists of Official GSB Groups Already Set Up
NEXT - Search for Stanford University and Alumni-Created Groups Log into the Groups home page and search for your proposed group. Remember not to be too specific when searching. For example, if you are looking for the MBA Class of 1996 group, search for just 1996 or MBA%1996. Search Groups Once you have determined your group doesn't exist by reviewing our lists and doing a group search, you are ready for tab #2 - "Define Your Group." |
Whom Will You Invite to Join Your Group?
Group Members Define Whether a Group Needs to Be Official or Alumni-CreatedGSB Alumni-Created Groups
GSB Official Groups GSB official groups are co-managed by GSB staff and an assigned alum or student. An official group can only be set up by the GSB Alumni Relations staff. The GSB has final approval on the content and programs presented on an official group. For questions or more information about official GSB groups, contact [email protected] Avoid Prohibited ActivitiesReview and Understand the Terms of Use In addition, groups may not:
If you have read the Terms of Use and understand the difference between the alumni-created groups and official, and have read the "Terms of Use," you are ready for tab #3 - "Your Role as Group Administrator." |
Understand and Embrace Role As Group Administrator
It Is Easy to Manage Your Group - Share the ResponsiblityAs Group Administrator, Tell People Who You Are Invite GSB Alumni and/or Students to Join Start Conversations Approve Membership Requests for Semi-Private Groups Promptly Blocking Members Removing Posts Questions? Need Help? You understand your role as group administrator and are ready to set up your group under tab #4. |
Setting Up Your Group
![]() Here Is What You Will Do to Set Up Your GroupChoose Your Group's Name To distinguish between alumni-created groups and official Stanford clubs and organizations, we have a few naming rules: If "Stanford" is part of the group name, you must also include the word "Alumni" - as in "Stanford Alumni Quilters." The words "association," "chapter," "club," "fund," "official," "CYA" and "Cardinal Young Alumni" may not be used. We suggest you also include "GSB" in your group name to differentiate from other Stanford University groups.
Upload an Image for Your Group's Home Page Write a Description of Your Group Add a Spotlight Decide Whether Your Group Should Be Public, Private, or Semi-Private
Add Features Agree to the Terms of Use Saving Your Group as Pending or Ready to Launch |